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Chapter 3.

Ashley’s POV

“Hey, Ashley we’re here” I hear a familiar voice say, of course it’s Luke

“Oh thanks for waking me up” I say blushing, I must have looked so bad sleeping, ugh oh god, wait why did I care so much? 


“So uh Ashley, this is my penthouse and uh this is your room” He says gesturing to a queen sized bed with a tv, not bad. not bad.

“Thank you Mr He- Luke” I say smiling

“Now you must must be jet lagged so go to sleep, i’ll wake you up for lunch” He said. I am not even jet lagged cause I have been to Paris 20 times? I decide to call Josh

“Josh have you deleted it?” I asked

“Ms Emerson we didn’t only delete it, we blocked any websites from posting anything about you” He says and I smile

“Thanks Josh, sorry about earlier, I kinda freaked out” I say biting my lip

“Thats okay Ms Emerson, why are you in Paris with Mr Hemmings anyways. Boyfriend?” he asked

“Nooo, people have to stop assuming. Uh well I have an internship at his company because of college and no, no one knows about who I really am, so please don’t tell anyone. Please son’t tell anyone i’m in Paris with Luke especially my parents because they’ll freak and everything” I pleaded

“okay okay” he says

“Bye gotta go” He says and I end the call drifting off to sleep


Luke’s POV

I woke up at 11:30 and go wake Ashley up, when I walked in, she was sleeping, she looked so perfect. Wait I can’t fall for my assistant, in 2 weeks she’ll be gone, she’ll never come back, at least I never think she will 

“Ashley, time for lunch” I say waking her up after 10 minutes of staring

“Okay, be there in 5” she mumbled


Ashley’s POV

“You look very pretty today” greeted Luke and I blushed. I was wearing a blue flannel with black shorts

“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself” I blushed. Luke was wearing a red flannel with black skinny jeans, and boy was he attractive

“Okay, today i’m taking you to a five star restaurant, its a half hour drive though” He said, I already know where he’s taking me then

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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