Don't ever lie to Alya...

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Marinette and Chat Noir were the talk of the town after many civilians had seen them walking around town and eating ice cream.

Some people had secretly taken their pictures and posted them online with captions like, "OMG Chat Noir and his new love interest??" "Aww, they look so cute and happy together!" "She's not even that pretty, why doesn't he hang out with me instead?!" In case you couldn't tell, that last one was from Chloè Bourgeois.

"Marinette!" Her mother called sweetly from the kitchen.

"Coming maman!" Marinette called from her room.

She threw on whatever she pulled from her drawer first, a plain black T-Shirt with a pair of skinny jeans, and ran downstairs. She knew her mother and father would want to talk to her about why her face was plastered all over the news and newspapers.

"So, honey, why have I heard from the news before I heard from my daughter that you were hanging around with Chat Noir?" Her mother questioned with mock sternness, but intense curiosity in her eyes.

Marinette thought about how she should explain what had happened between her Chat Noir in the last few months.

"Okay, so," She started, "Chat Noir and I had been getting gradually closer over the last few months, and yesterday he was feeling sad so he came to talk to me, and I suggested we went out for ice cream."

Her mother nodded, pleased with the explanation. She opened her mouth to ask a few more questions when Marinette cut her off.

"Oh would you look at the time!" Marinette exclaimed, trying to get out of answering the questions her mother was sure to have, "I have school, you know how I love punctuality and stuff and how I hate being late so I better leave!" Marinette said and rushed down the stairs and out of the bakery doors.

She ran across the busy street without looking, causing many honks and near accidents with the drivers, before she made it to school.

She pulled out her sketchbook and started doodling some designs when Alya came up to her and started talking to her - her journalist side coming out.

"Are you serious?! You knew Chat Noir and you didn't even tell me! I didn't even find out from my best friend that she was hanging out with a superhero, I found out from the news!"

"I"m sorry, Alya!" Marinette groaned, "It wasn't fair of me, but I didn't want to make a big deal about the fact that I was hanging out with Chat Noir. He's really sweet and caring and kind, and a selfish part of me wanted to keep that for myself. Which I know sounds so wrong. And I wanted to tell you but it was so exhilarating keeping a secret like this."

"I get it, if I was hanging around with a superhero I wouldn't want to tell anyone either," Alya said, trying to understand.

"No you wouldn't," Marinette giggled, "You would broadcast it live over the entire globe to make sure that everyone knew that you hung out with him." Marinette burst into a fit of giggles thinking about the lengths Alya would go to make sure people knew she was hanging around with Chat Noir.

Alya laughed along. "Are you mad at me though? I'm sorry for not telling you about Chat," Marinette guiltily said.

"No, Marinette, I'm not mad. At first I was hurt but then I realized who you were and of course you wouldn't want the entire world knowing that you're hanging out with Chat. Just, maybe if you have a secret this big it would be pretty cool to know about it."

Marinette smiled, "Alright, deal!"

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