(GN) corpse husband: morning voice

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media: unknown - sea65092 (tumblr)

pairing(s): corpse husband x s/o!reader (gender neutral, not requested)

triggers: slight cussing, mostly just fluff :)

summary: falling asleep and waking up with corpse 


the sun went to sleep long ago, and you were ready to join it. after a tiring day of work, you close the door to your shared apartment with corpse. peeling off layers of clothing as you walk, you throw them onto any nearby surfaces, not caring where they ended up. your only desire was to sleep - hopefully, with your boyfriend beside you. 

as you plopped on the bed, you could head corpse's voice coming from his recording room. you could head his voice resonate, and not wanting to disturb him, you pull the covers over you and close your eyes. 

just as you were about to fall asleep, a string of yells comes from the recording room and the door opens. you hear a small 'oh', and the door closes with a sof

just as you were about to fall asleep, the door to corpse's recording room opens and you hear a string yells coming from it. a small 'oh' could be heard before the door closes with a soft thud, and the bed dips beside you.

'sorry, did I wake you?' corpse asks, wrapping his cold arms around you.

'yeah... but I'm glad you're here', you respond, lightly tapping your fingers against his arm. 'why do I hear yelling?' you ask as you hear rae's screeching and sykkuno's 'oh jesus'.

'we're in an among us meeting right now, brodin just died. I'm on a "bathroom break" right now.' he says as he makes air quotes. his arms wrap tighter around you, allowing you to put your head on his chest. a comfortable silence settled between the two of you before you spoke up again.

'you're wearing the new hoodie I got you.' you mumbled, falling back to sleep. corpse only hums, slowly unlooping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head. words didn't need to be spoken for you to understand that he needed to get back to his stream. 

'I'm back from my bathroom break, who died this time?' 

'that was a long trip to the bathroom, corpse. did you need to take a shit or somethi-?' you could hear toast's voice cut off as corpse plugged his headphones back in.


sunlight peeks through the cracks of your blinds, and you groan as it shines in your face. feeling irritated, you try to roll over, but are stopped by firm arms around you. you raise corpse's arm off you slightly so that you can lie down and face him. admiring his face, you smile at his messy bed hair and how it fluffs up against the pillow.

'corpse?' your eyes move between his eyes and his lips, noticing how they part as he breathes softly. you grin wider when he doesn't respond, choosing to bask in this perfect moment.

the moment is slightly ruined though when he starts to stir. 'I'm awake, I swear.' he mumbles, his voice even deeper than usual. one of his eyes open, looking at you with love and admiration. 

'when did you come to bed?' you ask him, knowing he had trouble sleeping on most nights.

'about an hour after you. that was probably the best sleep I've had in a long time.' he says, cuddling up against you.


~ fin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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