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I place my knife and fork together on my plate and leaned back, stuffed. Everyone else seemed full as well. William glanced at the clock.

"Come on you two, it's 9:30, you got school tomorrow." William said, standing up to grab all the plates.
"But daaaaaad-"
"No buts." William gave both of them a stern look before walking to the sink.
The children groaned as they walked up the stairs.

I chuckle. I used to be like this, always hating bedtime. I turn to see William washing the dishes.

I have to be careful with this asshole. He could kill me at any second.

William turned around, noticing me staring.
"What are you looking at?" William said with a playful grin appearing.
I quickly look away, flustered. William didn't stop looking at me. I turned back seeing him eyeing me down and blushing.
"What are you looking at?" I say, mockingly.

He chuckles and turns around, finishing putting away the cutlery.

Heh. wait. Wait Wait WAIT HE- HE BLU-

I was quickly cut off from my thoughts when a hand slipped onto my waist. I widen my eyes in shock as I see William looming over me and blushed profusely. I tried wiggling out of this grasp but it didn't work.
"Stop wiggling, cupcake." William says flirtatiously.
He once again lifted my chin up for me to look at him. He came closer, too close for my comfort. I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

We were cut off with a bang from upstairs and giggling. William leant back and turned around quickly and walked to the stairs.

hot... that was- my. god.

I couldn't stop blushing. HOLY SHIT WILLIAM SERIAL KILLER AFTON ALMOST FUCKING KISSED ME. I ran to the kitchen to grab some water to calm me down a little.

-10 mins later-

I completely calmed down and I was ready to go upstairs. Everything seemed quiet, too. I sneak upstairs in search of William. Suddenly, he turned the corner and grabbed me by my arm. It was a light grab.
"H-hey! Where are you taking me??" I cry.
"To watch some TV," William turned to look at me. "You weren't planning to sleep at this hour, where you?"
"Not really-"
"Exactly, so come on." I sigh, letting William drag me back downstairs.

I sit down next to him while he turned on the TV.

-1 hour later-

"Oh vlad!" "Clara!"

(See what I did there? 😏)
The episode finished, playing the credits. I have started to feel sleepy and William took notice.He placed my head on his chest and placed his hands on my torso. I felt too tired to react.
"Goodnight, bunny~".

-the next day-

I wake up to a rather large bedroom. As I woke up properly, I look around.

There was a desk full of papers and coffee mugs with a bin next to it, filled to the brim with scrunched up paper. Pictures on the walls that I could not make out. A cabinet on the wall with a lock on it. And a door that lead to what I assume the bathroom.

This doesn't look like a guest bedroom. Who's is it?

I turn to my left only to see William sleeping silently next to me.
I flinched and leant back in shock. That managed to wake purple guy up. (hhhhHHHHHHH)

"Why, good morning, love," William cooed, "Did you have a good sleep?"
I rub my eyes in disbelief.
"Why am I in your room??" I ask, puzzled.
"You fell asleep on the sofa so I brought you to my room." He replied calmly.
I stretch, giving out a soft grunt. William slowly got up before walking to the bathroom.

Why did he put me in his room, and not the guest room?

Memories flew back and I blushed once again.

Sneaky bastard...

Suddenly, William walked out of the room wearing the same work outfit as yesterday.
"I'll give you some clothes. I don't have the uniform so we'll get it when we arrive at Freddy's."
"Alright." I say while slipping out of bed.
William then grabs a pile of clothes and turned to me. As soon as I tried to grab the clothes, he held it up higher and higher.
"Come on, take your clothes, I don't have all day~" William cooes, his mischievous grin reappearing.

I don't even care anymore. I came closer and grabbed his tie and yanked him down. Our faces we're WAY too close. William started to blush before I grabbed the clothes on his hand.
"thank you." I say in a serious tone. I walk to the bathroom and shut the door.
"ah- uhm- what did i do-" I mumble, heat rushing to my face. I shake it off and I look at the pile of clothes. The outfit looked like this:

"Oooo~ I do be lookin' like a snacc doe-" I say to myself

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"Oooo~ I do be lookin' like a snacc doe-" I say to myself. I get back on track and I put up my hair into a half ponytail and walk to the door.

I wonder how he has these clothes.

I shake off the thought and leave the bathroom. William already went downstairs. As I leave his bedroom, I catch a glimpse of something shiny inside the cabinet.


"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!!" Elizabeth shouts cheerfully.
"Coming!" I reply, forgetting about the cabinet.
I rush downstairs to the kitchen to see Elizabeth and Michael both awake and ready to eat. I turn to see William cooking bacon and eggs.
"Good morning y/n!!"
"Good morning, y/n." The children both say, Elizabeth obviously more hyper.
William turns around after hearing my name. He bit his lip and eyed me down again.

"Why good morning gorgeous~"

Hi- Sorry for not posting in a while, my bloody parents won't leave me alone in peace but I got some time today. It was pretty awkward to write a romantic scene as an aromantic person- One things for sure, its gonna get worse later  lmao

Anyways I hope you have a good day/night, bye!

☔︎︎ "𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝" ☔︎︎ -a William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now