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👤 varathepimp⤵️When 👤artbyliv calls you too clingy

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👤 varathepimp⤵️
When 👤artbyliv calls you too clingy... but she's right

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👤jjthesimp she's just mad cause she's still single... meanwhile look at my wife 🥵
jjthesimp ur sooo gorgeous wtf
⤷💬varathepimp 💦 😏

👤artbyliv single by choice 😑.
👤qb1.baker y'all are really clingy tho
⤷💬varathepimp ooop not yall singles tryna cum 4 me 👀✋🏽💀
⤷💬jjthesimp I'd cum 4 u

👤meninogitis y'all are babies 👀
⤷💬 violettamarie seriously😳


VARVARA ALMANZAR giggled as her boyfriend, JJ wiped away her tears. "Are you okay, Vee?" He asked as he began to dab at her face with the end of his shirt, him, himself laughing. The girl nodded as she sniffled and continued to giggle, like a psycho.

JJ had somehow managed to squirt hot sauce into her eye, as she was sitting in his lap. The two laughed as their friends all gaged in playful disgust. "Do you guys really have to be all lovey dovey all the time? Especially around me?" Jordan questioned as he threw a fry at the two now sharing small kisses.

The gymnast and football player pulled away from each other's grasp, to eat their lunch and look at the fry thrower. "Is that what single and desperate sounds like?" Vee joked causing the group to erupt in giggles and Jordan to gasp exaggeratedly, as he threw another fry. "I'm a pimp." He said as he made a 'smooth' motion with his hand. Varvara rolled her eyes as she snorted. "You're a manwhore." She mocked in the same tone he did and the group began to belt out laughs, Jordan giving his best impression of offended.

"You're such a meanie for someone who cried over a little hot sauce in her eye." Jordan fired back but all Bea did was snort. Again. "A little? He's got like less than a quarter left. And I didn't cry, my eye started sweating. And i am not mean." The teeny girl said.

"It's hard to believe that you two are best friends. You argue like... water and electricity." Leila said as she ate her vegan lunch.

"Our dynamic is fathomably unstable but if you report back in 5 to 7 business days I'm sure we can get you a consultant to speak with." Everyone was silent before falling into fits of laughter. "You're such a weirdo."

Moments go by as the group began to talk about plans and their respective groups, clubs and sports. They listened to each other's stories, up until Varvara's who they really paid attention to. As she did every year, Vavara split her summers into thirds. One-third was spent hooking up with JJ, at his parents rented out condo. Another was spent at gymnastics camp and the rest of her summer, she spent with her family in Mumbai.

Now that she was back, tryouts for the junior olympics were only a few weeks away, so the time she would usually be spending with her couch or JJ, was spent in a gymnasium. "I mean, c'mon. I know we've lost most, if not all of our games, but I feel like this is gonna be our year." Asher said hopefully. "Wishful thinking, Ashy."

"I consistently stand I corrected, you are mean."

"But that's exactly what I'm saying. I mean, we aren't gonna be able to reach, little miss junior olympian, over there. But at least this year we won't have our asses handed to us like we did last season. And what is that you keep waving in my face and can i have some of it?"

Everyone's attention was now turned to the only Latina at their table or in their group in general, with the exception off JJ who has been face deep in her neck the entire time, because they too were curious at the newest dish brought to the table.

Varvara and JJ have always brought whatever, Vee's mom, Acacia had made the night previous. "We made Vegetarian Enchiladas and horchata last night." She said taking a spoonful and feeding JJ, before taking Asher's fork and getting him some. "And all of you would've known that, had you of came over when Meni sent the evite."

"Guys, I had like 9, only including last night. I think I woke up and ate like four." JJ gloated to his friends. It was true, he did eat like 20 enchiladas now one setting and he'd be feeling the aftermath in no time.

"You guys missed out, just saying." JJ said as he kissed his girlfriends neck, swallowing his second bite. "Hey, you know why I can't come over to your house. Your mom is intimidating and your sisters are even worse." Jordan defended. "Why didn't you just ask Liv?" The girl asked handing him half an enchilada. "Liv never brought any home."

"Uh, dude. Yes she did. She took like 6 to go plates home with her." JJ said, as he pointed at the girl walking by, only for her to acknowledge Vee.

"Anyways, my family's having another cookout as we usually do this Sunday. Y'all down? And no it is not permission to mass message all of Beverly Hills." Vee said and everyone agreed. "Alright, I've gotta hit the mats before 5th. See ya." She said as her and JJ stood from the table. "Simp!" "Simp!" The boys began to shout after JJ.

"I'm her bitch. That's how that works."

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