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For the weekend following the party, Vavara didn't have any plans, other than work. Her dream career was to be a OB, so she was volunteering in a NICU part time on the weekends to gain experience.

She already worked in the morning, so she's been sitting on the couch on her phone while in her pyjamas, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram with her legs on his lap.

On the coffee table, there was a stack of ham and cheese sandwiches that JJ surprisingly made without burning the house house down.

While on the topic of Glory and Sexy that is JJ, he was having a football scrimmage later in the day, so until then, they were both just being lazy. "Mi amor, can we do this?" Mariposa's stuck her arm over to JJ and showed him the video on her phone. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but it looked funny. "That looks dangerous. And I thought TikTok was for dancing?" "It looks funny, and it won't be dangerous if we move this coffee table. And this is Instagram. It's just a reposted Tiktok . Please." Vavara pleaded, slightly sticking her bottom lip out for dramatic affect.

Jj gave in and stood up with a little stretch before moving the table so no furniture or bones would break.

❕The action presented in this video could result in serious injury. ❤️

656.8k 💬10.3k ↪️13.4k varathepimp • 8h ago ⚠️PSA: don't do this with ur lineman bf

user1 it's tiktok putting a warning for me
liked by creator
oliviasbakery breaking ur back and now ur legs?? ooo yuh get it ig
liked by creator
user2 i blinked and she wasnt there anymore 🧍🏻‍♀️
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user3 hi jj 🥰
⤷ varathepimp no 🤍

× ×× ×

Seeing as how it was a scrimmage, nobody really showed up except for some family members and a bunch of boosters. Vavara was sitting in one of the middle rows, away from everybody but perfectly seeing everything going on on the field. She didn't know much about football, aside from touchdowns and fouls, but she knew that when JJ tackled somebody it was a good thing, so being the supportive girlfriend that she is, she cheered even though she was literally the only person doing it.

She was a little lonely in the bleachers, but she was sitting there minding her business while eating snacks that she took from her house. JJ wasn't a lightweight at all, but he was kind of thankful that he left the party early the night prior, because Spencer looked like he got hit by a bus before he was tackled.

The game has ended and since the guys were just playing against one another, there wasn't a winner. It was mainly just a way for the boosters to see what type of talent was going to be offered. Once they had finished and the guys were starting to take off their helmets and walk off of the field, Vavara stood up with all of her stuff and started walking down the bleachers.

Before she even made it to the bottom row, she heard yelling on the field and looked to see spencer facing both Asher and Jordan with Billy off to the side. The boosters took notice of this and sat silently while watching everything unfold. Billy had to take Spencer back and after a couple of seconds, Spencer had walked off with the rest of the team a while Jordan stayed behind to talk to his dad. That didn't really concern Vavara, so she went to go wait by the locker room doors.

#47 ran out in his usual clothes, slightly sweaty with a big smile on his face, and immediately embraced Vavara once he saw her. "You okay? What's wrong?" "I'm fine, I'm just tired." She said truthfully with a shrug as her and JJ started walking to the parking lot with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. JJ didn't really believe her, because of the meaning of "I'm fine", but Vee actually meant that because they went to sleep at like 1am and she had to wake up at 7am for work. "You played good today. I heard a couple of the scouts talking about number 47." All the way to the parking lot, Vavara was telling JJ everything she overheard from the scouts seated a few rows in front of her.

He threw his duffel bag into the backseat, and once they both sat down, he turned to her before pressing the start button. "Are you sure you're okay?" "Mi amor, I promise I'm just tired." JJ nodded and started the car, grabbing one of Vee's hands and interlocking it with his, kissing the back of it as he backed out of the parking space.

"We'll go get milkshakes and then go take a nap." "I want the cheesecake one."

Your attempts to silenc me we're cute but thanks to you're frien I was able
To use her account to unmute me 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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