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Y/n: Hey, can I sit here."

He looked at you.

Cute, but even tho he seems really tall and intimidating there's nothing to be scared of he's cute.

Unknown guy: Hmm."

He took his bag off the chair.

Y/n: I'll take it as a yes."

Unknown guy: Hmm."

He nodded

You sat down.

Not much of a talker huh he's adorable I should start a conversation.

Y/n: hi, I'm Y/n and you are."

You looked at him and he looked at you and he pointed at himself.

Y/n: Yes I'm talking to you"

You laughed

He's really shy ahh he's so adorable.

People stared at you a little again you rolled your eyes.

He frowned

Y/n: Oh no, I'm not laughing at you."

You awkwardly looked around, then you looked at his bag it had a pretty key chain.

Y/n: Aone?"

Unknown guy: Hmm."

Y/n: Aone is your name?"

Aone: Hmm."

He nodded

Y/n: Cool cool."

You awkwardly sat there for a minute.

Y/n: Umm, well I'm riding the bus because I have to go to a friend's house to study. She asked me to buy snacks so that's why I have this bag."

You pointed at your bag full of food.

Aone: Hmm."

Why am I even telling him my business?

Y/n: So why are you taking the bus? You probably won't answer so I'll guess, are you going home seems like you just got out of school with that bag of yours."

Aone: Hmm."

He nodded

Y/n: Do you play a sport because it seems a little late to come from school."

Aone: Hmm."

Y/n: Basketball?"

He shakes his head no.

Y/n: Soccer?"

He shakes his head no again.

Y/n: Volleyball?

Aone: Hmm."

Y/n: Really, that's so cool!"

You looked outside your stop was next.

Y/n: My stop is next, it was really nice to talk to you even tho you didn't say anything but it's cool bro."

Aone: Hmm."

You got up and turned to get your bag then Aone showed you his phone.

Does he want my number?

Y/n: Uhh umm, do you want my number?"

Aone: Hmm."

Y/n: Oh okay."

You took his phone and put your number in.

Y/n: Here."

You gave it back.

Aone: Hmm."

The bus stopped.

Y/n: This my stop, bye."

You wave to him leaving, he didn't wave back till you left the bus and you saw his little wave.

He's so precious. You laughed

You started walking.

A couple minutes later

You got to Yachi's house and knocked.

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