telling Louis about u ~12~

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"Louis you know how you like y/n" Liam said
"Mm" Louis replied
"And she has a boyfriend" Liam said leaning on the bench
"Yes"Louis responded rolling his eyes
"Yeah well There not together anymore" Liam said
"You better not be playing with me Payno" he said looking toward him
"I'm not" Liam said making defensive arms In front of him
"Alright I believe U" Louis said
"Ok bye I need to rehearse" Liam says before walking off Louis Starts dancing
"Yes she's single I can finally Shoot my shot!" He yelled receiving worried looks from strangers
"What the woman/man of my dreams is finally single" he says
The future in a interview
"Is that really how you two ended up together" the interviewer asked Louis in disbelief
"Yeah" Louis says noding
"You Can even call him" he said
"Well I don't have his number Can you call him"
"Ok once sec"
"Hey Mate" Louis said speaking to the phone
"Hey what's up man" Liam on the other end said
"Your on live television but I need you to tell them how me and y/n got together yeah"
"Yeah that's a good 'ole story get comfortable long story a head"
"Don't say anything to personal" Louis said
Arfter the story
"Yeah so basically they owe me a resort get away" Liam joked
"Sure Payno"
"Scya now" he said
"Scya Louis" he says before hanging up
"Yeah that's the truth" Louis said to the interviewer
"Ok so we will have to do another question or we will run out if time" they replied
"Ok let's do it" he says

"Louis you know how you like y/n" Liam said"Mm" Louis replied"And she has a boyfriend" Liam said leaning on the bench"Yes"Louis responded rolling his eyes"Yeah well There not together anymore" Liam said"You better not be playing with me Payno" he ...

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💃The end 💃

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