Prologue: Winner

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  Everyone's chattering rung like bells inside Winner's eardrums. It was deafening, as they were slowly getting exhausted from the loud noises in the city. Curious, they decided to waltz into the source of the noise, just to see what everyone was going crazy about. Hidden in their totally unsuspicious hoodie they managed to get through the crowd, and in front of a big screen.

A surprise laid in front of them and in front of everyone, as one person appeared in that same screen. That cubic object, the same voice Winner heard so much in their early years- that majestic presence and carefree aura; it was him. Everyone cheered, chanting, but Winner didn't care if their ears would break from all the chanting, all that mattered was the friend Winner had always spent so much time with, someone they grew up with, a person that just suddenly disappeared from their life, appeared once again in front of their eyes.


It was one of the words that could describe how Winner felt when they saw him in front of the screen. Day by day Winner watched him, every episode that released was like a gift to Winner-- seeing how their old friend was doing made him laugh- even a little bit. The moment he got eliminated was the moment Winner had dropped the show entirely. The only reason Winner watched that show was because they wanted to know how he was doing, but after they got rejected by the viewers, everyone else seemed like blanch vegetables.

Years along passed, one or two? Winner couldn't keep count of how much time it had been ever since they last watched that show. They only asked themselves if he was doing alright. Those questions looped inside their head, swirling like a never ending tornado that seemed to never leave. That is, until their thoughts were broken after hearing something.

"Hey, did you hear about TPOT?"

"TPOT? Yeah, aren't they holding applications?"

"Yeah! They said if you entered, you might get a chance to compete with the main cast in BFB!"

"No way! I wish I could go."

TPOT? Apply? What were they talking about? How much has Winner missed out on ever since they dropped the show? Adrenaline ran through Winner, his legs dashing towards their home as their hand shakily type out the words BFB yet again, only to meet numerous videos of episodes they missed out on.  Winner clicked on the newest episode, having no time to sit in boring episodes.

There, he appeared. Like a meteor hitting the Earth, he drastically changed the flow of the show, separating it completely. Winner was focused on the prize, power. This number's power may just be the answer to all their problems. Maybe Winner could make good with those powers. Fumbling around their house to pack up to try and enter TPOT, a familiar voice rung into their head again. Shrugging it off as a hallucination, they heard it yet again. They whipped their head to the place where the sound came from; his computer.

He stood there next to the blue host; Four was it? Was that their name? It didn't matter who the blue number was, they were blatantly useless to Winner. All that mattered was the green number who was putting up a show for his powers. Winner carried along with packing, until they finally stopped at their door. Looking back one last time at the old home they resided in for long, they said their farewells, unsure if they could even make it into TPOT.

"There's no more turning back."

January 9, 2021.


Winner was growing impatient of waiting, as they look at everybody that had also entered for a chance to take a win at the number's powers. Winner took in a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly, just as they learned from him.

"Winner- it's okay. Let's take a deep breath okay?"

"I really can't- I just need to let this out you know-"

"We all have tendencies, but first we need to think with our brain, not our emotions."

He was always so good at making everyone feel calm around him.

Winner's isolated space were broken by some.. something. They seemed to resemble a price tag, though their facial expressions were communicated through emoticons.

They cheered, "Hey! Good luck today!" As they made a '^w^' face- if that was what Winner understood.

Returning back the gesture, Winner shook their limbs. "You too, frie-"

The green number's accent cut through Winner's sentence as everybody's eyes fixated upon them. "Alright everyone, step on these tiles. In a few minutes we'll be starting and one of you will be entering TPOT."

Everyone jumped towards their respective tiles, awaiting for the moment where one of them would enter.


The elimination went smoothly, Two was horrible at creating suspense. For someone who was giving out their powers, Two was quite a different one. Winner thought of him as stoic, and strict. Right now he looked like a prepubescent kid on a field trip. As if that made any sense. Two just.. felt like they had never done this before. As if they just took this on a whim.

Those details doesn't matter to Winner- the only thing that mattered was if they won, or if they lost.

Price tag's tile fell off the platform, leaving Winner and Nonexisty atop. With big numbers rising, Winner declared victor as the new TPOT contestant. How coincidental. Winner, much as their name- won and became a contestant. What more if they had won TPOT? That would be amazing.

Two panicked at the sight of the contestants, realizing there was 41; which was undividable. Two brought back Nonexisty, still leading up to 41 contestants. So, Price Tag returned and so forth the contest, as Winner was teamed up with new faces they didn't know. Because they never really paid any attention to these background characters.

Smiling to themselves, he chuckled a bit, and acted back to normal. In their head they whispered, "I found you, Loser."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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