🖤 Chapter 22- The interrogation"🖤

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Dabi's pov

Today I woke up to do my morning routine faster than usual. Since today is the day that I meet two pro hero's and one is the ex number one hero.

I'm pretty nervous about this but I have to do it if I want to be with Izuku. Plus I have a feeling that these two are like his father's or some shit.

Hopefully nothing else will happen tomorrow more than it already is. I don't think I can handle too much that talking to them about my relationship and other questions that they may have.

Hopefully Izuku can stay there with me while we talk. Anyways I'll head to the school after classes so I can sneak in with Izuku and one of the teachers apparently.

At least today I don't have to show up at the hide out with the LOV. If they find out that I'm going to school to meet the teachers they'll just try and use me to get All might.

They haven't been able to get Izuku because I never let them have a chance. Plus I only ask Kurogiri to take me to the dorms when the others aren't around.

Now I'll just wait until he's done with his classes and calls me.

After school ended

"Come on Dabi, You can handle this for just a little bit longer" Izuku said as he was dragging Dabi to UA in a disguise. "But Izuku~~ I look like a fool, plus your dragging me in public" I said.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby and get up so we can get there faster" he said as he helped me up. "Fiiiine" I said and we both headed to UA.

As we get to the front gate we see Aizawa coming with some kind of card or something. He puts it around my neck and tells us to follow him to his classroom.

I passed the gate and noting happened, I guess it's this card. We continue to follow behind Aizawa as we enter the school.

As we pass giant hallway as we make our way to his office. Silence on the halls and our foot steps echoed around us like waves hitting the rocks.

Aizawa opens a big ass door and we follow behind only to see All might and this figure next to him. A small woman with green hair and big intense eyes that can pierce.

I walk slowly and Izuku tell me to sit as he pads the chair next to him. "Ok, now take the disguise off and let's talk serious" I said.

I nodded and took my disguise off revealing all my scars and piercings. As I'm there standing blankly looking at them and they're serious faces.

"As you know we called you here to talk about your relationship with Izuku Midoria" Aizawa said "This is Inko Midoria, his mother that is joining us today since she found out about this yesterday" he said and it only made more nervous.

I'm going to be interrogated by not only two pro's that are like Izuku's father's but his mother too. "Honey can you get us some snacks and drinks from the cafeteria. We already told him to make some for us" Inko said.

He nodded and left and as that big door closed I felt terrified by the second. There we were alone now that he left and silence as they scan me.

"Ok honey, I'm a very nice person if you don't get to see my dark side so... My son told me that your dating him and that your very caring and sweet to him" she said and I nodded to confirm what she said.

"Hmm..." She hummed "Ok, as you know I'm Aizawa, Eraser head and Midoria teacher. All the students from 1-A are like the kids I never had and that makes me worry about your intentions with Izuku" he said and I totally understood why.

"I understand, im being truthful by saying that I truly love and appreciate Izuku for loving a villan even when he's becoming a hero. And mostly because as you can see I'm not a very good looking person because of my scars" I said as memories come by.

"Now it's my turn young man. Young Midoria is like the son I never had because of my duties as a hero, so I only want to know if you intend to harm him in anyway or use him to help yourself and the league?" He asked.

"No sir, I could never do that to him and the league does not know that we are in a relationship. In other words even if they find out I will protect him with my life if necessary" I said and they all nodded.

"What do you plan on doing after today?" They asked "I was planning, after Ive met Izuku's mother I would leave the league and start over again. I would give myself to the police and pay for what I have done and come back as a new man. A man worthy to be by Izuku's side" I said

"That's good young man, but what did happen to you that made you end up like this?" He asked "I'm sorry to say sir, but it's something from my past and I would very much like not to share and keep it to myself" I said

"What!? You never told me that something happened to you in the past!?"

That's all for this chapter and sorry for taking long but school is driving me insan

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