The puputteer and the Siren (Rydooski + dream)

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The liquid magma wall slowly dropped as the bridge made its way across the gap. The young boy struggling to keep up with it. Eventually he made it across into the small, obsidian box. There was a netherite bar with someone in a green jumpsuit leaning against it, facing away from the exit. Dream had been in prison for the last 2 and a half months. He had gotten quite used to Tommy's frequent visits. Tommy never visited to actually see him, just to make fun of him. Dream sighed, already expecting Tommy. "Hello Tommy."

"Not Tommy" a new voice spoke. Dream turned around and was met with a boy with blonde hair, a green cloak and two large fins on the sides of his head. He almost reminded him of Tommy. Dreams eyes met the fish boys. They we're orange and green. The unique eyes almost reminded him of ranboo.

"My names Ryder." The fish boy said as Dream stood up while the netherite bar lowered. "We haven't met, but Tommy's talked a lot about you."

"What do you want?" Dreams voice was cold. He hadn't felt the warmth of the sun in so long. Just the heat of lava from his wall.

"I came to visit you. Everyone talks about you, but I've never actually met you. Thought I'd at least try" Ryder said, leaning against the wall. The visitation process wasn't exactly fun, but he put up with it.

"I don't know what you expected." Dream was facing the wall, sitting on his knees. He didn't bother to introduce himself, it seemed fish boy already knew who he was.

"'s jail?" Ryder had hoped Dream would have been more...friendly. He should have expected less from a high security prisoner though. His fins scrunched up a little, anxious.

"What does it look like?" Dream turned to him, frustrated. "I haven't seen the sun in months, my only visitor has been an anxious, amnesiac ender man, and some child that only comes to make fun of me!" Dream sighed.

"Well you've got another kid to add to the list" Ryder said jokingly. Only to snicker to himself when Dream actually pulled out a book and quill, writing down the third name in his "visitor" book.

"So are you here to yell at me too?" Dream scoffed, adjusting the clock on his wall.

"No, I just came to talk." Ryder said, cautiously approaching the prisoner.

"What?" Dream turned, confused. "Why?"

"Y'know-" Ryder stuttered, "learn more about you. The morals of this servers citizens are kind of...grey" he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'd like to form my own opinion. Even of someone like you."

"...thanks?" Dream wasn't sure if what Ryder said was a compliment or not. He was too bored to care.

"Sam said I only have an hour." Ryder started, "I don't think he likes me very much." He joked, surprisingly getting a chuckle out of dream.

"He's like that." Dream leaned against his lectern, "so you're...a fish?" Dream said.

"Half siren I think. Fundy's weird around me, and I think ant wants to eat me. So things are going well" Ryder chuckled to himself.

Dream laughed, "ant really likes fish. Watch out for him" he joked, before his expression changed into a more sad one. "I haven't seen him in a while..I wonder how he's doing" he sighed.

"Ant and bad built a church around some weird egg thing. Techno thinks it's a government, so the anarchists and eggpire have been going at it for the past week" Ryder said completely seriously

Dream laughed, like, hard. He was against the wall wheezing. "I'm not surprised. Bad was so protective of that stupid tomato. Techno hated it from the start."

"Yeah. Tubbo fucking nuked technos house, so techno killed jack manifold. Now snowchester is making MORE nukes while ranboo contemplates existence."

Dream proceeded to wheeze for the next minute and a half. Ryder joined in and laughed, telling stories about everyone for the rest of his hour.

"And now puffy, who is a sheep, has officially adopted foolish. y'know, the totem god of life and death."

Dream chuckled, he began to talk but was interrupted by the lava wall lowering. Sam was stood on the other side with a loaded crossbow.

"Times up, aqua lad." Sam motioned for Ryder to say goodbye and get on the bridge.

"Goodbye, dream." Ryder stood on the other side of the bar as it raised. "It was nice talking to you!" He waved as the bridge made its way across.

Dream simply waved with a soft smile on his face. He could hear "can I visit him tomorrow?" Muffled through the lava. He chuckled to himself, and started writing in one of his books.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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