6。you are my sunshine

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"Kita-san, whats the matter?" [Y/n] asked the Inarizaki captain. [Y/n] found it weird. Usually, Kita would have an unchanging face—even during matches. However, the said captain seemed to be slightly nervous. Of course, one wouldn't notice it so easily. "You seem nervous." [Y/n] slung the sports bag onto her shoulder as she stopped walking into the gym.

Kita turned his attention towards their manager. Nervous? Him?

"Kita-san, are you feeling alright?" [Y/n] asked as concern filled her face. She walked closer towards the captain and placed a hand onto his forehead while placing her other hand on her forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever..."

"No. I'm alright," Kita responded, placing a gently hand onto her wrist as he guided it down and off of his forehead.

But he didn't let go.


"I'm just concerned..." Kita said.

"Why? I know Atsumu and Osamu are the bane of our existence, but I'm sure they will do fine in a match," [Y/n] responded. However, Kita shook his head.

"No. They better behave. It's just that my granny is coming to see the match," Kita explained. "But she's slightly sick. I told her not to come and just rest, but she apparently came," Kita gave a sigh.

"Kita-san," [Y/n] said as she placed a hand on her heart. "You're such a good grandson."

"She's important to me after all," the usually stoic captain of Inarizaki gave a soft smile at the thought of his grandma. He then used his other hand to pat [Y/n]'s head. "Sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you with this. Let's go," Kita said as he was about to lead [Y/n] by the wrist to the gym.

"Kita-san wait," [Y/n] stopped in her tracks. "I can stay with your granny if you like. We only have one match today and we'll definitely win."

"But I can't just—"

"Alright it's decided!" [Y/n] twisted her wrist so that Kita wasn't holding it. Instead, she took his hand and started to run into the gym. "My mission today will be taking care of Kita-san's granny!"

Kita, wide eyes, allowed for the younger female to drag him into the gym. A small smiled appeared onto his face as he started at the back of [Y/n]'s head. The nervousness in his heart quelled bit by bit.


If [Y/n] could melt, she would melt in an instant. As soon as Kita introduced her to his grandmother, the little lady embraced her in a warm hug—opening welcoming her.

"My, what a pretty young lady," Kita's grandmother, Yumie cooed. "Are you Shin-chan's girlfriend?" She asked as both of her hands hens [Y/n]'s hands. Her eyes smiled kindly.

A flush over came Kita's face. "Granny, no. She's the manager of our team," Kita explained. "She's gonna watch with you today."

"I hope you don't mind Kita-san," [Y/n] said.

"Oh, call me Yumie," she responded.

"Granny, I have to go now," Kita said. "I'll see you after the match."

"Shin-chan good luck!" Yumie walked over and gave her grandson a hug. Giving his grandma a small smile, Kita exited the bleachers to meet up with the team—leaving [Y/n] alone with his grandma.

Immediately, Yumie started to rummage through the little bag she brought. "Dear, would you like some senbei crackers?" She asked as she held a bag up.

[Y/n] touched her heart again. Kita's grandmother must be protected.

Eventually, Inarizaki's match with their opponent school started. The first team to server was Inarizaki; Atsumu was their first server. [Y/n] glanced around the crowd. There were fangirls cheering. She put on a face of annoyance.

"Yumie-san, excuse me," she gently covered the old lady's ears as Atsumu turned and said his infamous line to the fangirls.

Yumie-san should hear something that foul from Atsumu's mouth.

However, as [Y/n] pulled her hands back, she noticed that Yumie's skin was cold. Blinking once, [Y/n] unzipped her Inarizaki jacked and draped it over the old woman.

"Oh my, dear, you don't need to do that," Yumie said as she started to take the jacket off.

[Y/n] shook her head. "I'm fine. And plus," [Y/n] pointed towards her captain. "You two are matching," she said—referring to the fact that Kita also had his jacket draped over his shoulders. "Yumie-san should take care of yourself more," [Y/n] continued as she straightened the jacket. "Kita-san was worried about you. He treasures you a lot."

A wrinkled smile appeared. "Shin-chin talks about you."

"Eh really?"

"He often praises you for being responsible and helpful," [Y/n] lowered her head as Yumie started to pat her hair. "He always has a smile when he's talking too. Thank you for helping him. He might not be the most vocal, but you are precious to him too."

Even though this was their first meeting, [Y/n] decided that if anything happened to Yumie, she would slaughter everyone in the world, then herself.


"Granny, how are you feeling?" Kita asked as he placed congee onto the table.

"Oh don't worry about me," Yumie said. "More importantly, [Y/n] is a keeper. I'm looking forward to the wedding~! I can see you like her very much."


"You aren't even denying it Shin-Chan. My eyes may be old, but these old eyes can catch every time you look at her."

A/n: hi hello I'm suffering from university but here is some fluff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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【 Managerial Chronicles: INARIZAKI 】- Inarizaki x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now