2 。family

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"[L/n]-san looks like the mother while Kita-san looks like the father. The Miya twins are their children," Akagi said.

"What are you talkin' about?" Kosaku sweat dropped. He then turned to the scene that Akagi was currently looking at. "Ah. I get what you mean."

What was the scene?

Kita was scolding the twins for whatever they did while [Y/n] stood by. At this point, [Y/n] tugged on the sleeves of Kita's jacket that was draped over his shoulders. The duo watched [Y/n] said something to their stoic captain before watching Kita walk away. They continued to watch as [Y/n] started to pet the twin's head. It was quite a funny scene. Seeing their considerably shorter manager on her tippy toes, while the Miya twins bending down for a simple pat.

"The twins are like children."

"They are children."


"Suna-san, are you tired?" [Y/n] asked the fellow second year as the team took five minutes to rest.

"No. Why?" He took the water bottle that [Y/n] was offering and started to drink it.

"You're slacking off," [Y/n] simply replied. This caused Suna to flinch. Was it that easy to tell?

"You noticed?" [Y/n] turned to face Suna with a blank expression.

"My child. I see everything," She took a towel that she was previously holding and started to wipe the sweat off of Suna's face.

"Is [Y/n] Suna's girlfriend or somethin'?" Atsumu's lips pursed as he watches [Y/n]'s interaction with the middle blocker.

"No," Ojiro spoke. "She's the mother."

"Then who is the father?" Osamu ask— turning towards wing spiker.

"It's obviously captain," Kosaku joined in the conversation. "It's been barely a month and [L/n]-san and Kita-san has been awfully comfortable with each other."

"Oh?" Atsumu narrowed his eyes at Kosaku.

"The other day..." Kosaku started

[Y/n] was by the water fountains filling up the water bottles before practice starts. When she filled the last bottle, she put it in the bottle holder. She was about to pick it up, but a hand went on her shoulders and pushed her back. [Y/n] turned around to see who it was and she saw it was none other than the captain himself.

"Kita-san," [Y/n] said.

"Let me carry it," Kita picked the bottle carrier up and started to walk towards the benches. [Y/n] looked at the captain's back for a few second, frozen, before jogging up to meet the pace of Kita.

"Thank you."

"That happened?"

"There was also another time."

[Y/n] was standing with Kita and the coach when the boys were doing a practice game with each other. Kita leaned in close to [Y/n]'s face as he was trying to get a glimpse of the notes that [Y/n] was taking. Seemingly unaffected by the close proximity of their faces, [Y/n] held the notebook so that it's closer to Kita.

"So Suna is slacking again," Kita said as he looked at the said player.

"Kita-san, he's been slacking off less now. It's a progress so don't be too hard on him," [Y/n] explained as she looked at the Inarizaki captain.

"Hmmm alright," Kita said as he straightened his posture and crossed his arms.

"So is that why captain is scoldin' Suna less now?" Atsumu slightly whined. To think his childhood friend out of everyone has the ability to sway their captain's view— [Y/n] was truly a scary person. But then again, she always had a knack for these kinds of things. Grinning, Atsumu walked over and placed an arm on [Y/n]'s head— using it as a headrest.

"'Tsumu, what do you need," [Y/n] asked as she turned to Atsumu sigh a sigh. She rose her hand in an attempt to get Atsumu's rather heavy arm off of her head, but it was a fruitless attempt.

"Your attention," Atsumu said.

"Bold of you to assume she wants to give you her attention," Osamu said while walking by with his water bottle in hand. The gray-haired male stopped and proceeded to take his twin brother's arm off of [Y/n].

"Perhaps this is why 'Samu is my favourite," [Y/n] said as she felt Osamu take the arm off. If anything, this triggered the second year setter.

"Ehhhhh? [Y/n], why is he your favourite?" Atsumu asked as he pointed at his twin brother with an accusing finger. If anything, Atsumu hated to be one upped by Osamu out of everyone.

"Maybe it's because you don't listen to others, don't return what you borrow, and lies habitually," Osamu cooly listed off. Atsumu proceeded to take a step to get closer to his twin brother. But before Atsumu could ignite a physical fight, [Y/n] stepped in with a sigh.

"I swear, you two shorten my lifespan. 'Tsumu, I have no favourites," [Y/n] said as she turned to the blonde. "But isn't this the same thing as asking a child if they liked their mom or dad better?"

"I like mom better," Atsumu said.


"Your dad will be sad, 'Tsumu, 'Samu."

"On second thought, I could be your daddy," Atsumu said as he rose his brows suggestively. Immediately, he was karate chopped on the neck by Osamu.

【 Managerial Chronicles: INARIZAKI 】- Inarizaki x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now