Fresh covered his mouth once again and looked at PJ mumbling, As the taller one took Fresh's hand and pulled him to the wall.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Fresh yelled making a small blush. PJ looked around and pulled his head closer to Fresh. Now he was in a fight or flight situation, He closed his eyes and prepared to yell until the other spoke
"Do you really love him?" Fresh opened one eye and saw complete seriousness in the others eye. He opened the other slowly and gulped "First please give me space" Fresh pulled him away "I do love him and even tho he is very mean and very unsocial.." PJ looked shocked and backed away. Fresh blinked until he felt a figure beside him, he looked up and saw Unfresh pissed off."What are you doing?...Paperjam ." Fresh gulped and decided to just stand there because hes going to be put back here anyway. "I dont believe him loving you...Just yesterday you were yelling at a woman and now your with your "bride", Seems too unrealistic to me Unfresh" "So what? I knew you would get in my business like this. Not to mention the fact your calling someone older by their name is disrespectful ." "Shut up your only 3 years older than me!" Fresh shaked his head, He was 25? Fresh looked at Unfresh. "You were 25?..." Fresh only got a glare as an aswer and he shut his mouth.
"See? You aren't even giving him a stable friendly answer!" now Fresh really had to stop these two.
"You two stop! Im not here to hear you two argue!" he yells with an angered face and soon storms away."tch...a good lover you are.." PJ whispers to Unfresh as he walks away.
Unfresh's POV
How dare he! Not infact he looked down at me and tried to get on with my lover...wait...lover? were just fake not real! But dare he! Error seriously created a small version of him for sure. Not going to mention he adopted a worker of his. Ridiculous!
Now i need to make up with the other now...jesus..first my parents are coming and now i have a problem with a monster now!
I walked to the direction Fresh walked to and opened the closet room only to see a monster sobbing there.
I fvcked up didnt i? I walked up to him and lend a hand. He just looked at it and looked away sniffing. i groaned in annoyance. I closed the door and sat down next to him . I just patted him at the back as he started to sob again." sorry" was the only thing i could say at this moment. Even if i hated apologizing to people, This was neccesary at this moment.
"Why do you hate people so much?.." I heard him say trying not to stutter with his words
I dont know...I dont understand why i hate people so much...Is it because they hate me?...
I couldnt give an answer . He just nodded and took it, Why do i feel terrible? Im not supposed to feel teribble. Im not supposed to feel sad for him...just why?I snapped back to reality when he stood up wiping his tears away. He then gave a smile and looked at me.
"I understand if you cant answer me. You dont have to after all..." He told me. is he so positive now?... unsual. I like it.I got and brushed the dust off myself and gave him a worried look. He simply replied with a reassuring smile.
We walked out and walked to the ball room. While he held my hand and laid his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile.
Author's POV
PJ was talking with his father during those two's moment in the closet. As they went out and walked . PJ felt a string of jelousy just be thightened millions of times in his stomach. He growled at the view. And Error did too.
Unhappy at the view of his sons loved one be with his enemy...........................................................
Hello! I updated it! Im still on my vacation at the countryside but this is what i could think of rn. Please be patient for the next chapter! ^^

||"Im rich your poor , But thats not an excuse"|| ||An Unfresh x Fresh story||
Romance[HIATUS] Fresh...A skeleton who is slavered to an island were they sell Monster's and Human's to be slaves to other Monster's and Human's . The one who has many good reviews . His cleaning , respect and good babysitting skills made him quite popular...