Fresh...A skeleton who is slavered to an island were they sell Monster's and Human's to be slaves to other Monster's and Human's . The one who has many good reviews . His cleaning , respect and good babysitting skills made him quite popular...
Fresh laid on his bed as he starts to put his thoughts together . Fresh never really knew much about his childhood . Although he knows he had siblings , and a mother . He just doesnt know who exactly. He doesnt remember how they acted or how they were . He just knew he had them...
"Let's try to remember them.."
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He remembered... A road . He could hear laughter surrounding him . And he remembers himself laughing . He doesn't remember laughing...ever in his life. "That's strange...i only smiled"
He tried again..
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He remembers being chased . He heard the same laughters behind him . One sounded like.. "C'Mon ! FreSh ! GeNO is GoNNa catCH US!" Fresh never knew anyone named "Geno" yet it sounded familiar. Fresh started to wonder if this was his life before he well . Became a maiden for sale . He was a boy . Just because his ecto body was a female it doesnt mean he IS a girl . He consintrated on whatever memories hes remembering .
And yet again...
"How did it come to this ?"
Sorry if this is super short ! My mind had nothing so yeah ! See ya lovlies !