Chapter one: A New Start

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Y/n's POV:

"Honey, wake up! We need to leave! Are you packed?" Y/n's mom yelled.

I woke up, got changed into a black oversized sweater and baggy jeans. I brushed my teeth, then brushed my (h/c) short hair and did my eyeliner.

 I brushed my teeth, then brushed my (h/c) short hair and did my eyeliner

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I sighed as I got my packed suitcases and went downstairs, towards my frustrated mother

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I sighed as I got my packed suitcases and went downstairs, towards my frustrated mother. "Gypsy hide." I whispered. I never really got along with my mom ever since my dad left her, leaving me alone. I was close with my dad, we always talked and walked around the neighborhood having fun. But my mother anyways wanted me to be girly, wear pink and get dresses. She's way two controlling and wants everything done her way. But she leaves me alone now and doesn't get involved in my doings. I still hate her for trying to change me. That is way I favored my dad.

I loaded the back trunk with my suitcases and went to sit in the car. I put my earphones on and continue once we go on the airplane. (Now put the song)The ride was kinda long but we finally arrived to Paris. We reached our new home late at night so we had to be extra careful walking around.

I set up my things in my new room and went to my balcony.(like marinette's room but with led lights, vines, and light gray wallpaper) I would see the Eiffel Tower from here. Wow, it's so beautiful. I feel like this will be a good start. I thought to myself. I went back in my room to find my mango flavored vape, and went back out. I grabbed a chair and sat there admiring the view.

"Y/n, I talked about this with you. I don't like it when you vape. I know it helps with the stress you have but please don't use it." My purple and white kwami spoke. (Ignore the words)

I sighed and uttered "gypsy, I know you don't want me to but it relaxes me

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I sighed and uttered "gypsy, I know you don't want me to but it relaxes me. Please respect my wishes." She hesitated for a second but nodded and went back inside my room. I stayed outside in my balcony, vaping, until it was 4:30 am. I then went inside and instantly fell asleep on my comfortable bed.


My mom already took care of what day I would be showing up to school so I had no worries. A week past and now it was Monday morning. The first day of school.Yay....

"Y/n wake up please, it's the first day of-" gypsy lectured before getting interrupted.

"-School. Yes I know gypsy. I don't want to fucking go..." I yawned while complaining. Sadly I knew I had to. So, I got up and changed, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and did a little bit of makeup.
I decided I would wear the same thing as I did when I got here because I'm fucking lazy. The same eye look to while I was at it.

"Gypsy, get in my backpack. I will bring your favorite." I whispered.

"DRAGONFRUIT! YAY!" The kwami squealed in excitement.

"Shh, you're to loud." The (h/c) girl revealed. Gypsy smiled nervously will fazing through and staying in my black backpack.

"You seriously have your vape in here?" Gypsy said kinda muffled. I sighed while rolling my eyes. I went downstairs, grabbing my skateboard. I got my earphones and listened to my songs, then left. I was skating through the sidewalk while listening to my songs when I saw a black expensive looking car. It was under the stop light so I had a better chance looking through curiously inside. I made contact with someone with emerald green eyes. Fucking weirdo. I thought. I verted my eyes back on the side walk before I crossed the road, in front of the car. I then saw the school. It.was.huge.

I arrived just outside. I sighed, and put my skateboard on the poles and locked them together. (Idk what it's called ok, I don't skate😩)I looked back and saw it. The same black car. Is this guy following me! Ima go off on him. I thought. I picked up my skateboard and walked over the the car with my eyebrows furrowed together. I took out one earbud and let it hang. Someone got out of the car. The same guy with the green eyes. So he was following me. Not the time bitch.

"HEY. Can you not follow me. like what's your deal? Go back inside your fucking car and leave. Or so help me I will-" I got cut off. I was close to him. Like centimeters away.

"Hey, chill. I wasn't following you. I go here." He said passive aggressively. I was taken back from his comment. I took a step back and reality struck like a bitch. Oh shit.

"Holy shit. I'm sorry. I guess I just assumed because I saw you on the road earlier." I said rubbing my neck.

"Yeah, I saw you too. No worries. Say, you're new here I presume?" He said while smiling.

I blinked for a second, but then responded with a nod. "I'm y/n. Y/n l/n." I smiled while holding out my hand. To my surprise he got my hand and went to kiss it. That bitch. I quickly pulled away just when he grazed my hand. "What the fuck?" I said kinda mad and confused. Then left. I could hear him calling me and apologizing but I never turned back.

I see hundreds, if not thousands of people inside. Well, I better not get lost here.

Hi I'm the author of this new book. I'm trying to write this book because I got inspired from what I have read about these kinds of stories.

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