Chapter two: An Invite?

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Y/n's POV:

I looked around the school, only to lock eyes with a boy. He was also vaping, so I could tell we would get along.

He had longish brown hair with brown eyes

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He had longish brown hair with brown eyes. He's kinda tall, with a nice sense of style. I looked at him up in down approving. He's cute. I thought. I don't care if they know I'm staring or not. I was sorta in a trance when just noticed that he was walking over with a smile. I quickly snapped out of it and also walked over to him.

"Hi I'm Andre. I couldn't help but notice your essence. You're new here correct?" He questioned.

"Oh, yeah I'm new. I'm y/n." I replied with a as smirk.

"So do you check out everyone or just me." He said with a slight laugh.

"Only people the that I take interest in." I said with a wink. "Anyways, class is about to start so I better get going." I exclaimed.

"Oh, umm this might be a little straight forward but some of my friends are having a party. I would like to take you with me if you're up to it?" He replied. Nervously smiling.

"Umm," I sighed "fuck it. Sure" I accepted. I smiled and waved goodbye as he did the same. I entered the classroom just as the bell rang. Literature, fun..

"Salut, mes belles! Today we have a new student. Please introduce yourself to the class!" She advised.
(Please don't roast me in the comments. I don't know how to speak nor read in French)

I walked in front of the class and answered "Hi, my name is y/n l/n. And I like to be left alone." I looked around the room only to make contact with the boy with the green eyes. I don't think I got his name. Damn of course he's in here with me. Now that I think about it, his green eyes and blonde hair is growing on me.

"Alright sit down in the back. Will anyone like to accompany y/n to help them catch up on my lessons?" She asked. I saw couple of people raised there hands, but one in particular got picked to sit next to me. Great. Green eyes.

I walked up the steps and sat down. Following me was the same guy I'm annoyed by.

"This is kinda weird. We got paired together." He said chuckling.

"You practically begged the teacher into letting you sit here. Not a coincidence if you ask me." I huffed will rolling my eyes.

"Well it's nice to officially meet you y/n." He smiled.

"Sure green eyes." I murmured. I noticed his eyes widen as I said this. I saw what seems like blush creep on his cheeks.

"I was joking. Anyways, my name is Adrien, Adrien Agreste. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with the whole hand kissing thing. I was just trying to be polite." He whispered while nervously laughing.

"Whatever floats your boat." I sighed without making eye contact, but instead looking at the teacher and listening to her lessons.


The bell just rang. I got up and went to lunch. I put on my earphones and played my music. And go sit down on a open table. After a while, I spot Andre walking over with, I presume, his friends.

"Hey, y/n, these are some of my friends that are hosting the party. Eli, Oliver, and Liam." He mentioned as he pointed at the guys while saying their names.

I take one earbud off and nodded at the three tall guys smiling at me. "So can one of you guys give me the address of the house?" I requested.

After exchanging numbers and addresses, talked for a bit, then the bell rang. They were kinda fun to be around. I thought.

Adriens POV:

       I was talking to Nino about the party when I noticed y/n talking to the fuck boys. What do they have that I don't. I'm practically perfect for her. I thought. I sighed, trying to control my jealousy, when I heard y/n chuckling. I glanced at her and her beautiful short h/c hair. It looks like she had a sense of fashion too! Maybe I can convince my dad into letting her model for his company.

     I gazed at her beautiful features when I looked a little to far. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I closed my eyes from coming across those intuitive thoughts coming in my head. Stop it adrien! You are not a fuck boy. Yes she is beautiful and mesmerizing and cool looking and stubbornly cute but- STOP. THINKING. LIKE. THAT. I mentally face-palmed myself  as I paid my full attention at my best friend again.

"Um adrien? You might need to check if your pants um, fit." He definitely looked uncomfortable talking about my pants. Why.

I gave him a questioning look as I looked at my pants. HOLY SHIT I HAVE A BONER! "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I cursed under my breath.

"No worries my dude. Here's my sweater. Just rap it around your waist." He grinned. And I did just so.


Word count: 1000
(includes the authors note)

Authors note: Hello my lovelies. Thank you for reading my story! I'm excited for future chapters. And I also know that I literally didn't mention gypsy. But that's because she's in your backpack, eating her dragonfruit or something😃. I will try to do other people's POV'S, but in the meantime, it's only y/n and adrien.

You might have to wait a bit longer for my chapters to be uploaded because I have school, well zoom, and there's this scholarship, well 10,000 dollars, that one student will get to a if they write a report on why they need the money and shit. I am currently writing the best I can on this report, so please bear with me.

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