Chapter 9

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We all stood at the front of the doors, so Glenn couldn't leave and not even 2 minutes later, Glenn looked around the store but stopped when he saw us.

"Sup, Glenn." Garrett said.

"Oh, hey, guys." Glenn said.

"I was just heading out to the..." He started talking gibberish.

"Gorflorkinson?" I asked.




"You have to make a decision now." Amy told him.

"Okay, fine. I'm just gonna say it." He took a long pause.

"Unless something stops me." I rolled my eyes.

"Like when an angel comes at the last possible second in the bible!" Glenn looked up and threw his head side to side waiting for the angel.

"But that doesn't seem to be happening because that last possible second is now. Like, right now." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, welcome to Cloud 9!" A customer walked in.

"Can I help..."

"Glenn!" Jonah exclaimed as Glenn looked back.

"Chris, Alex, Cody, Justine, Henry, and Marcus." Glenn said quickly.

"Why?" Cheyenne said.

"Oh! You wanna fire me?" Marcus asked before going over to Mateo.

"Well, guess what? If I go... Mateo goes, too. We have an alliance. Right, buddy?" Mateo moved away from him.

"Oh, real nice. So much for Dave Matthews fans sticking together." Marcus said as a siren rang out.

A tornado warning.

"What is that? What is going on?"

"Sounds like a prison escape." Jonah said.

"No, guys. It's Color Wars." Cheyenne said as I rolled my eyes.

"No, it's a tornado warning!" Dina and I told them all.

"All right. Everybody stay inside. We are gonna lock this place down." Dina yelled out for everyone to hear.

"Okay... How funny would it had been if that siren had come ten seconds earlier!" Glenn said as I rubbed my temple.

"Everyone should find a place to take shelter until the tornado either passes, dissipates, or hits us head on." Dina said as everyone started talking.

"Which is not going to happen! This is just a warning. We're gonna be fine." Amy told everyone as Dina put her hands on her hips.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were a magical gypsy who could tell the future. She isn't." Amy rolled her eyes.

Quinn Sosa  -Jonah SimmsWhere stories live. Discover now