Chapter 3

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A week later, we sat in the front as Dina went on and on about the roach traps.

"The roach situation in the break room is getting worse." Dina said as Jonah and I were kicking each other under the table.

"So clean up your crumbs, and Heather, stop hoarding yogurt lids in your locker. You're not gonna win that free cruise." I stuck my tongue out at Jonah.

"On to something more important than a bunch of dumb bugs. Who's excited about
awards season?" Glenn asked.

"Um, Glenn, the Oscars were last month. I know that, because we had that Oscar pool." Amy said as everyone rolled their eyes.

"Wait, who won that again?" She asked.

"I believe that was you." Mateo said.

"Oh, yeah, that was me. It's all about the
technical categories."

"Yep, you said that." Jonah said before flicking my shoulder.

"Forget about the Oscars. I am talking about the new Cloud 9 Integrity Awards. I know, right? So cool." We said nothing.

"The winner from each store gets an unframed certificate, and attends a luncheon with an all-you-can-eat buffet."

"Wait, hold on. So you go through the buffet, and fill your plate once, and that's all you get?" Garrett asked.

"No, it's all-you-can-eat. Anyway, uh, the recommendation forms are here, and... which Brett will be happy to help you with... in case you think of someone you work with, or maybe work for, who you think has shown integrity in the workplace."

"You can't push yourself for an award." Dina said.

"Me? I don't even know if managers are eligible."

"Oh, yeah, they're probably not." Dina said as I smiled.

"Well, I know they are, because I checked, so..." I chuckled.

"Oh, I see, so it's all you can eat on your one trip to the buffet." Garrett said still on about the buffet.

"No, you're... you're.not getting it. It... it's multiple trips. That....that's the beauty of it."

"Well, I'm probably not eligible, since I'm dating Jeff." Mateo said as I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I wouldn't want to add
more drama to the scandal, or add gasoline to the fire, right?" We said nothing.

"You were all so interested when you
thought Sandra was dating Jeff." Mateo said.

"Yeah, it just feels kinda done now." Dina said.

"Agreed." I said as Jonah kicked me.


"What size plate do you have to bring with you?" Garrett asked ignoring the two of us.

Quinn Sosa  -Jonah SimmsWhere stories live. Discover now