Apparently I'm royalty

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Lunchtime quickly came and I found my way to the cafeteria. I saw George Izzie and Christina sat with each other with some other interns I don't know. They where whispering about something so I decided to listen in before I sat down with them.

"shut up the Ellis Grey?" Izzie said and I roll my eyes. Of course the first thing people would find out about me and Meredith was about our mother.  George had asked who Ellis Grey was so I took this chance to sit down and make myself known.

"My mother invented the Grey Method George" I said all heads turning to me. Izzie gave me an awkward smile and I sighed. "It's okay. I get why me and Mer being her daughters excites you. Don't worry about it" I continue as I stab my fork into a fry.

"She won the Harper Avery twice" Christina said now knowing it didn't bother me. "I would kill to have Ellis Grey as my mother" She continued to say and I scoffed.

"Trust me you do not" I said under my breath before Meredith threw here tray on the table next to me and sat down on her chair with a sigh.

"Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass" She said looking to all of us. "If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic oath, I'd Kevorkian her with my bare hands." Knowing Mer's humour I laughed while the other interns just stared at her with a blank expression. "What?" She asked and I smiled.

"I don't think our friends here quite understand your humour Mer." I said patting her shoulder. We sat there for a little bit talking when Dr Burke walked over to us with a smile on his face.

"Good afternoon interns" He said happily "It's posted but I thought I'd share the good news. As you know, the honour of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I'm running the OR today, I get to make the choice" he said. We all sat there hopeful I sat up a little straighter knowing I had done everything I needed to do today. I needed this. I deserved this.

"George O'Malley" Burke said and you could physically see all the other interns deflate "Congratulations" Burke said as he patted George on the shoulder and then leaves without a word.

I try not to be disappointed but I could have scrubbed in. I could have cut into a human. A living person. But he picked George. Meredith got up to leave so I decided now was the best chance to catch up with her.

"So apparently we are royalty" I said rolling my eyes. "Who'd have thought having a two time award winning surgeon as a mother would consider us royalty" I said causing Meredith to laugh.

"how is your day going?" She asked with a smile and I nodded.

"I'm suturing. It's not amazing but at least I get to talk to people." I said "I met the neuro guy though." I said causing Meredith to raise her eyebrow "You know he looks an awful lot like a guy I met in our house this morning" I said with a chuckle.

"I didn't know okay?" She said and I nodded.

"I know Mer, I know you didn't know but just be carful okay? These people already think we got in because of our name. We don't need them thinking that you slept your way here do we?" I asked with a laugh.


It was time for George to perform the Appendectomy and the  viewing gallery was full of interns ready to watch. "He's going to faint, he's a fainter" Someone said from behind me and I rolled my eyes. You could tell he was nervous.

"Naaaah code brown. Right in his pants" Another said sitting down next to his friend.

"He's all about the flops, he's going to sweat himself unsterile." Another said. People start placing bets but I keep focused on the OR. I was so excited to see my first procedure.

"That's one of us down there" Meredith chastised her fellow interns "The first one of us. Where's your sense of loyalty?" She asked causing the gallery to look at her for a split second but then they erupted again.

"Seventy-five says he can't ID the appendix" Christina says and Izzie nods

"I'll take that action" Izzie says with others agreeing.

I look around and glare at the people that surrounded me "Shhh. It's about to start" I hiss to shut the rest of the interns up.

George looks up towards us as he approached the patient "Scalpel" He says as he is handed his first instrument the room around me starts cheering him causing Burke to send a stern look our way.

"That Burke is trouble" Christina says with a chuckle and I laugh.

George was nearly finished and I was so excited "All he needs to do now is invert the stump into the cecum and pull up on the purse-strings" I say almost at a whisper that I thought no one could hear.

"Look at you know it all" A voice next to me said. I looked up to see a cocky smile looking back at me.

"At least I know what to do" I said back to the guy "You are?" I asked wanting to know the name of the person I was speaking to.

"Karev. Don't need to ask yours miss Grey" He said in such a way it made my skin crawl.

"Doctor, Doctor Grey" I say. Before Karev could respond the monitors in the OR started beeping and Burke was shouting at George asking him what to do. But George froze. In that moment he froze.


So that is park 3 done. I am planning on uploading at least once a week from now on if not more but I can't promise anything due to my very busy schedule.

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