i fucking hate it.

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it was in the middle of the day, it was uncommon for todoroki to not be there eating on some soba at the commoner room, and nor was bakugou being calm instead of being hostile to any of them, very weird.

midoriya was trying not to be delusional about the whole situation, he saw bakugou sitting on the couch on his phone.

"kacch-?" midoriya accidentally scared the blond, ending with him getting thrown at the damn wall, waking up everyone.

"he- HOLY SHIT-" kirishima walked down to hear the commotion, including the whole class to see what happened.

what they saw was a frightened deku on the wall and a wide eyed shock bakugou.

"fuckin' nerd scared the hell out of me." bakugou glared at midoriya for scaring the living shit out of him, before he could speak he heard another voice that wrapped around his damn ears that made him comfort again,

and he fucking hated it.

"midoriya?" the duel haired male went to check on his friend who was currently trying to stand up by the help of his girlfriend.

"im fine! really. i just accidentally scared kacchan." midoriya told everyone was okay, making the duel haired male nod at him and walking over to the blond.

"are you okay?" todoroki softly asked, that made the blond snicker but yet have an effect on his face.

"never better icyhot." the blond tapped the duel haired males shoulder, wondering why he did that he saw why the blond had done that.

"i- are you guys dating?" momo brought up the question that everyone wanted to ask.

of course they had to deny it,

because they were never theirs in the first fucking place.

"what? what the fuck? no! no!" the blond denied it, making the duel haired male sulk a little, it went unnoticed by everyone.

the blond eventually started his quirk so everyone could just shut the fuck up because he wanted to date the duel haired male but fuck. he probably is too busy dealing with his daddy issues.

"are you sure, bakubro? you seem close." kirishima smirked, earning a hard glare from the blond that lowkey scared the red head.

"okay- okay. enough. if bakugou and todoroki say they-"

"todoroki didn't deny it." denki spoke up, earning a surprised look towards the rest, earning a glare from the blond who looked surprised himself.

"ah- no. no. we aren't dating. now if you'll excuse me. i'll be getting my soba." todoroki defensively spoke, he walked towards the kitchen to his soba while everyone locked eyes towards the blond again.

"fuck off extras, i dont even like him! or ever will!"


oh boy.

that hurt todoroki as much as he was being hurt by endeavor, but a little more.

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