hey. hey. hey! wake up!

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a/n: sorry for not uploading!
after abruptly passing out, todoroki was inside his dorm room. he recalled the events that happened, voices, nurses office and passing out on someones arms. he didn't know who though, most likely momo or dekus.

he also didn't notice that it was a friday night, that means no school and there isn't any upcoming exams or quizzes that are coming. he sighs and looks up towards the ceiling on why is he feeling like this.

too be honest, he doesn't even know how those things are coming and disturbing his head. he didn't do anything, as in like, fuck with some ghost or something. definitely not like that, he didn't upset anyone or anything for the matter of fact. he doesn't know why though.

snapped out his thoughts, he heard a knock on the door. he was hoping it was deku or the dekusquad that came up to check on him.

he didn't expect this. though.

"oi, icy-hot are you sleeping?" oh. it was that voice. him. bakugou. he should really open the door before the blond explodes his fucking door.

"no, ill be there shortly." todoroki said, his voice a little hoarse by not actually talking more than usual. that also doesn't happen to him.


"ne, sorry." the blond was examining the duel haired from top to bottom, he looked tired. maybe he should go? should h-

"you can come in." todoroki went to the side, making the blond enter the duel hairs dorm room. questions flooded the duel haired, but soon stopped when he heard the blond talk.

"i know you're wondering why am i here, honestly i don't know why but i just... ugh, i just came to check on you, icy-hot." the blond looks at the duel haired male, making the duel hair shudder his shoulders.

"i see.. so would you mind telling me what happened the last 12 hours?" todoroki looked at the blond who supposedly sat on his bed.

"oh. you just kinda; passed out on me. then i carried you to your dorm because everyone else was supposedly fucking busy." bakugou sarcastically says, making todoroki shudder more at the way the blond has said it.


he fainted on bakugou?

"i fainted on you?" todoroki surprisingly asks, making the blond shrug.

"yeah. then i had to carry your ass here then leave you to rest because your buddies dont trust me." bakugou snickers, making todoroki hold back a smile.

"i see."

"is that it?"

"mhm. you may stay or leave if you want." todoroki answers, making the blond smirk and look at the duel haired male.

"ill stay here for the night." making todoroki eyes widen in surprise before turning back to his posture, he had nodded and walked towards his bed with bakugou on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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