Rescued (Daryl Dixon)

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My heart is pounding inside my chest, my head is killing me, and my entire body is sore from all the abuse it took

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My heart is pounding inside my chest, my head is killing me, and my entire body is sore from all the abuse it took. How much longer until they find me? The people my friends and I have been fighting for months captured me and locked me away in some darkroom. Ever since then all I've endured is torture. Daryl must be worried out of his mind for me.

We've been together for such a long time that I can't remember my life without him. He's really the only reason I'm getting through this right now. Just the thought of him saving me gets me through another day. I've lost track of the time but I'm pretty sure I have been here for three days. My face is cut up and my left eye is bruised. They have hit me so many times in the stomach that my ribs are probably bruised as well.

My body just aches with pain and all I want is to go home. These people captured me when I went on a supply run with Michonne and Maggie. The two of them managed to escape but not me. They got me and now I've been here ever since. A sudden rush of pain shot through my head causing a groan to leave my mouth. I did so much crying here that I ran out of tears. There's nothing left inside me except emptiness.

The door to my cell started to open and my anxiety came back. The person walked in but it's so dark that all I saw is a shadowed figure. They closed the door behind them before hovering over my body with their large one. It has to be a man from the way this person is built. "Have you had enough yet?" The strange man asked. No words could leave my mouth, mainly from all the pain I'm in.

"Once you tell us where your community is we'll stop and this can all be over," he told me. Finally, I grew up enough energy to give him a short answer.

"" I spit. That angered him as he reached over and slapped me across the face as hard as he could. Due to my face having fresh cut wounds that slap really hurt. It caused tears to form in my eyes. He then held a knife to my throat and instead of trying to move away, I stayed still. There's just no way I'd be strong enough to stop him from killing me.

Instead, I felt him drag the knife across my right cheek and felt blood trickle down. A cry left my lips from the pain as he did it again but this time to my arm. I just want to go home, see my friends, my boyfriend. Everything hurts and it feels like it's never gonna stop. "Please," I choked out between sobs.

"The moment you beg for me to kill you will be the exact moment I know I've broken you." He whispered in my ear before exiting the room. My head hung low as blood dripped down my face and arms. Pain filled my body and honestly I did want to die. It felt like that would be way less painful than this. Suddenly I started hearing gunshots from outside and yelling.

A minute later the door opened and someone flipped on the light switch. My eyes closed immediately after. I haven't seen any light in days so my eyes aren't used to it quite yet. I felt someone freeing my hands and legs from the chair but I wish I knew who it was. "Please...don't kill me," I begged the person.

"It's okay, you're okay now." I hear Daryl tell me and my heart almost beat out of my chest. He doesn't understand how happy I am to hear his voice again. That's when my eyes opened and I looked at him. He glanced down at me and all I saw in his eyes were pain. He looked away while taking me to safety. All I could do was smile as my eyes closed and everything became dark.

Slowly my eyes opened again and I looked around to see that I'm in my bedroom. The same room that I share with Daryl. I'm laying in the bed I've missed so much and surrounded by all my things. I tried sitting up but was in too much pain so I leaned against the headboard. The door started opening and in walked Daryl. I'm more than happy to see him and thankful to him for rescuing me.

"I'm glad your awake," he stated while sitting down next to me. "How ya feeling?" He asked.

"I'm still sore and in a lot of pain. But thank you for saving me. I'd probably be dead right now if it weren't for you." I said as I grabbed his hand in mine. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze while looking at my cut-up face. "Am I that ugly?" I asked, feeling ashamed of how horrible I must look. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and shook his head no.

"You're not ugly y/n, in fact, you're the complete opposite. I cleaned up your cuts while you slept and while I did all I could think about was how I'm dating the most beautiful, yet strongest girl in the entire world." He assured me and I smiled.

"I love seeing your soft side, you should show it more often." I grinned. He leaned in close to me as a small smile appeared on his face.

"That's a side only you're allowed to see." He whispered before giving me a soft kiss. I kissed him back happily before pulling away.

"I love you, Daryl." I smiled.

"I love you too, baby." He replied. I'm so happy to have him in my life. He really does get me through a lot of crap in this apocalyptic world. Daryl Dixon is my savior and I'm always going to love him.

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