Day 16

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Dear diary

Hooray ! Almost christmas break ... And it's finaly after exams for first semester , I am realy glad .

Naya is still afraid of Harry , cause she still  didn't tell him who was the mysterious boy . Well Harry is still mad at her for that thought ... These two will be a death of me .

Harry didn't get any new memories for these past few days . Strange , I think he got so many of them cause of the accident . He was in the hospital and I guess when he passed out his brain got a litlle ... Restart ..? I don't know , I'm not a doctor .

Teachers still didn't find anything . I wonder what would happen if they won't find the cure till the summer . Will he stay there ..? Oh hell naw ! If they won't find anything then Harry will stay with me in the manor . I won't let him be alone .

Blaise and Pansy are getting more and more like an old married couple . They fighg over small things like : making coffee in wrong mug . I wonder how they're still together . That's pretty funny thought , cause they fight over small things but besides that they never fight . I just got one question to them . How you guys got together ?

I think I'll talk to Harry today ... I think I might have a crush on him ... But just a litlle ! I wonder if he likes me back ? Blaise's saying that he does but I don't know ...

" Draco ? Where are you ? "
" In the common room ! "
Soon a boy with black hair and wolf ears and tail came down the stairs . Draco didn't look up at him he reached for a book next to him and read it .

" Girls told me to try new look ... I don't think it looks good , but they said that I should show you ... So ? "
Draco sighed and rolled his eyes . Girls will be the death of him . He looked up and lookes at the boy in front of him . He blushed like mad and his eyes widened .

Harry was wearing a white cropped top hoodie and a denim skirt . Also black trainers and few chains hanging as a decoration on his skirt .

" So ? It doesn't look good , right ? "
Said Harry as he looked at himself , spining around . 
" N-no ! It looks great ! "
" Realy ? I think I look like some girl with short hair now . "
Harry said and giggled .
" Maybe a litlle . "

Harry rolled his eyes and sighed .
" I'm going to change . If I won't , girls will put me in a dress . "
" I bet Draco would love to see that . "
Said Blaise who happened to sit on the floor next to window reading a book .
" Blaise ! I swear you'll die by my hands some day ! "

Harry laughed and walked back upstairs . Draco looked at Blaise with death stare , but Blaise just made a look like he was kissing someone . Draco got the book he was reading and throw it at his friend . Blaise laughed and got up from floor .

" I am telling you Draco . You should tell him that you like him . "
Said Blaise and gave back the book to Draco . He sit down next to him and patted his shoulder .
" I'm sure he likes you back . "
" I will tell him today okay ? Just not now , maybe after dinner . "
" I'm not pushing you , just saying that you better do it quick or he might get someone with how pretty he is . "

Draco nooded but then stopped .
" You think he's pretty ? "
" Everybody from slytherin does . "
" Shut up ! "
" Yeah yeah , but you better don't shut your mouth and tell him that you like him . "
" You litlle shit- "

Draco grabbed a pillow from the couch and hitted Blaise with it .
" No ! I won't do it ! "
Both boys heard and soon the heard someone running down the stairs .
They saw Harry in a long white button up shirt that civered his thights . He hid behind the second sofa and boys just looked at him confused .

" Oh c'mon Harry ! It's not that bad ! "
" Yes , yes it is ! "
Boys turned around and saw Naya , Pansy and some slytherin girl standing behind the couch they were sitting on . Pansy was holding a white dress Draco never saw .

" Pansy ! I am not putting on a damn wedding dress on ! "
" Yes you are ! Come here right now you wild animal ! "
" Try to catch that wild animal ! "
Harry turned into the wolf and started running around the common room , girls after him .

" I wish I had a camera to record  this . "
" Same . "
The boys said and watched the scene . Soon Harry was cornered and turned back into his human form with a huff .

" Good boy , now come and try it on . "
" I hate you all . "
" Yeah , we love you too . "
Soon they were all upstairs . Draco and Blaise sitted dumbfounded on the couch looking at the stairs .
" Well that was intersting . "
" Yeah ... "

They laughed and almost fall of the couch .
" Honestly , I wonder how Harry will look in it . "
" You wanna know what I wonder ? Who's dress is that ? "
" No clue . "

After 10 minutes girls came down squeking and jumping around like crazy .
" Woah woah woah , why are you so happy ? "
" Harry looks adorable ! "
" Come here Harry ! "

Boys turned around and saw Harry coming down the stairs in a long white dress with beautifull decorations on it . He realy looked amazing and adorable .
" One thing to say . When he'll get married , I wanna see him in that dress . "
Said Naya and smirked .

" Who's dress is it anyways ? "
Asked Blaise Pansy .
" Oh ! That's my mom's dress , she bought two for her wedding but she bever wore that so she gave it to me if I wanted to remake her for a everyday dress . But I was to lazy to do it so I just leave it the way it was . "

" Girls ? Can I change back now ? "
" You're no fun ! "
" And you're a lot you know !? "
" Realy ? "
" No . "

Naya rolled her eyes and they all went back upstairs .
" He looked pretty cool I need to say .
What do you think Draco ? Draco ? "
Draco was curently blushing like mad and his eyes wide open .

" Draco ! Draco ? Draco ?! "
Yelled Blaise as he saw his friend falling to the ground .
" Well congrats Harry ... You just overload his system with your cuteness ! "

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