Chapter 6

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Yachi walked to the sink to take over washing duties. As she stood there, she tried to collect herself. She'd just turned on the water and was rinsing the first tray when she heard Kiyoko's soft question, "what was that about?"

Yachi jumped, splashing water over herself. "What was what?" She asked as she grabbed a towel and started wiping her shorts dry.

"Hmm," came the response. Kiyoko took the tray from Yachi's hand and took over washing, "You've already got the towel, so you can dry," she said matter of factly. They worked in silence for a while, Kiyoko taking her time to make sure every tray was well washed and waiting for Yachi to finish drying before starting to clean the next. Eventually the other girls left until it was only the two of them at the sink."If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine." Despite being alone now, her voice was still soft. "But just know, no matter what, Karasuno always has your back first." She gave Yachi a stare that felt heavy and intentional. And Yachi understood immediately what the older girl was hinting at.

"No," she set the dried tray onto the slowly growing stack, "it's nothing like that. I just" she took in a deep, shaky breath, "I can't win for trying. I was so nervous about this whole week, and every time I think I'm making progress, something reminds me that I'm never trying hard enough." Kiyoko handed her another tray and Yachi focused her eyes on it as she spoke, unable to look up. "And Kuroo-san just happens to be there every time I mess up the worst." She shrugged. "It's no wonder he's avoiding me."

"What?" Came the incredulous response in a tone Yachi had not even known Kiyoko could make.

She looked up at her senpai, innocent eyes blinking, "what?" she asked in a small voice.

Kiyoko raised an eyebrow and her composure was collected once again as she shook her head, "I really don't think he's avoiding you is all. If anything, Daichi thinks he's going out of his way to be around you." She turned the water off as she handed Yachi the last tray, "He wanted me to talk to you and see if he needed to say something to Kuroo-san."

Yachi felt Kiyoko's eyes examining her and stayed quiet, thinking of this new information only made her head pound worse.

"Does he?" Kiyoko pushed.

"Does who?"

Kiyoko sighed heavily, "Does Daichi need to say something to Kuroo-san, or would that be overstepping?" She explained plainly. "You need to be blunt with these guys. And, sometimes, even then," she shook her head and her eyes got wide, and Yachi knew what she meant. Even then, they still leapt at you and professed their undying adoration at every practice, every day. Kiyoko blinked and returned her focus to Yachi, "It would be better coming directly from you, but none of us mind being the messenger."

Yachi laughed. A soft, easy thing that helped ease the weight on her chest, "I really don't think that's necessary, Kiyoko-san."

Kiyoko nodded sagely. "I told Daichi he wouldn't understand. But, well.... He's not exactly the best at... girls." She chuckled like she'd made a joke. Then shook her head when Yachi gave her a quizzical look, "don't worry about it. Anyway, if you do need help just... don't be afraid to talk to me." She put a hand on Yachi's shoulder, and her tone grew serious, "but don't talk to the boys about it, literally none of them would be helpful with this."

Yachi was so shocked that she didn't say anything until Kiyoko had already walked away, "with... what?" She really wished people would stop talking in riddles to her.

She sighed and looked around the room for the clock. She was helping fill the water bottles that afternoon before coming back to the kitchen for dinner duty that night. She wanted to make sure the room was cleaned up and if she was extra thorough before heading back to the gym well what's wrong with that?

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