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Published: 1.22.21

  Kurosawa was right about one thing, Adachi was nervous, but not because he was afraid of him.

No, he was nervous because he didn't know what to do with this information.

The night he found Kurosawa lying on the ground in a small pool of his own blood, Tsuge had suddenly remembered leaving a book in his clubroom and asked Adachi to get it for him.

In all honesty, Adachi wasn't expecting to find someone bleeding out on the floor, so he went to get Tsuge's book and was walking to meet up with him when he heard a soft Thud.

The noise was accompanied by the sound of someone groaning only a few seconds after.

It felt a bit nostalgic and his instincts brought him around a few corners, only to find Kurosawa and someone else he vaguely recognized, bloody and bruised on the ground.


While the other man was completely knocked out, Kurosawa was on the verge of passing out too, the reason obviously being the stab wound in his stomach, which was extremely worrying.

Adachi rushed over to him and surveyed the area with practiced diligence, quickly finding a wooden stick thrown far away from them.

The next thing he noticed was a bloody knife just a couple [feet] away from Kurosawa's attacker.

What really caught his attention though was the design.

It looked so familiar, and that thought alone made his heart drop.

He quickly shoved Tsuge's book in his bag and pulled out a cloth, picking up the knife carefully. He wrapped it up and shoved it into a different pocket in his bag.

He made a note to himself to find out who exactly Kurosawa's attacker is before picking Kurosawa up and rushing to the school infirmary with surprising speed.

He may not look like it, but Adachi has had some experience with things like this, so he has a lot of strength and stamina.

He used his foot to open the room door and laid Kurosawa onto the closest bed to them.

With practiced ease, Adachi checked Kurosawa's other wounds before moving on to the one in his abdomen once he determined the rest were minor injuries.

Lightly touching the wound with a gentle hand, Adachi sighed in relief when he found out that it wasn't in a vital area and it wasn't as bad as it looked.

A bit more relaxed now, Adachi dropped his bag by the wall and sent a quick text to Tsuge saying that he'd meet him later.

Adachi moved to the sink in the room and grabbed a clean cloth, running it under the water before squeezing it and walking back over to where Kurosawa was still unconscious.

He set the cloth next to him and started unbuttoning Kurosawa's shirt, not noticing Kurosawa's eyes opening.

Once all of the buttons were undone, Adachi pulled the shirt open and gasped, somehow only noticing Kurosawa's tattoo now.

His hands had retreated quickly as if he was burned and he jumped in surprise when Kurosawa suddenly sat up, but his eyes were still stuck on his stomach.

Adachi's mind was going a mile a minute.

The sound of pained hissing pulled Adachi out of his thoughts and he quickly tried to get Kurosawa to let him help with his wounds. Thankfully, he did.

After a few minutes of finding more supplies and cleaning the stab wound, Adachi finally wrapped it with a roll of bandage, making sure it was tight [but] not constricting his breathing.

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