Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kenma's POV

Two weeks later

It's already time to go home

But of course Me and Hinata will gonna stay at the Gym for extra practice

Hinata really want to become stronger

He don't wanted to be a burden for us

But we know he's not

There was also times when he break down

But... Later he will gonna start smiling again

There was also times he tried to harm his self


It was 12:00 in the night when I heard some noises in the kitchen

Since I'm in Hinata's house I was worried

I went to the kitchen

And saw...

And saw Hinata holding a knife trying to cut his hand

"Why kenma? Why?" He asked me

"Why I'm so weak?"

"Am I really that weak?"

"No... You're not" I answered in my mind

I run to him and wrapped his hand

There was to much blood so I don't have a choice but to bring him in the hospital

While I was waiting outside the doctors came to me because they wanted to talk to me

Hinata was diagnosed...

Hinata was diagnosed by severe depression

I didn't even realize that tears are streaming down in my eyes right now

If only...

If only I was enough to make Hinata happy, he will not be depressed

I talk to Hinata after that

He said that he want to keep it a secret that he was depressed...

We even talk that I will stay at his house so I can guard him...

*Back to reality*

Kenma tossed to me right now it was Hinata


We practice for almost an 3 hour

I'm already exhausted

Hinata was really desperate to become stronger


I wish that one day you will realized that you don't have to change your self....

Because you have us Hinata...

You have me...

You have me to stay by your side...

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