You like him but he likes your friend

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Y/B/F/N= your best friends name

You were going to sing to Michael tonight. Your friend was gonna be there obviously. Michael walked through the door and sat at your desk. You picked up your guitar and before he could say anything you started to sing "I've got this friend"
As you got to the chorus you sang with all your heart.
"Baby... You've been talking to her nearly everyday! She really likes all the games that you play! She told me to tell you to see what you'd say before she jumps in and she asks for that date!"
Michael then stopped you to say, "Y/B/F/N will you go out with me?"
Your heart broke. You ran out the room and started crying. You then text Michael: I suppose some things are not meant to be told.

You walked in the door to see Calum slumped on the sofa.
"Oh come on Cal, you can't stay like this!" You told him as you walked over to him.
"I'm still in love with her!" He whispered.
Calum and Y/B/F/N had just broke up. You liked Calum but no one knew. You sat next to him and he lay his head in your lap. He closed his eyes and you began to song "Heartbreak girl" but changed the gender.
"I wish I loved you!" Calum told you.
"So do I Cal!" You whispered.
You started to cry and couldn't stop. You wished Calum had never gone out with Y/B/F/N then he wouldn't be heartbroken.

"Ash, truth or dare?" Luke asked.
"Er... truth!" Ashton answered.
"Who do you fancy?" Michael asked.
"Er... Y/B/F/N!" He blurted.
Your heart shattered. You had tried so hard to be Ashton's 'type' for the last year. All for nothing!
"Y/N truth or dare?" Ashton asked.
"Truth!" You replied as you hated doing dares when Ashton was playing.
"What song describes the relationship between you and your crush?" Calum asked.
"Er.. uh.. Try hard by you guys!" You answered.
The circle went back round to you.
"Truth!" You answered.
"Oh come on you never do a dare!" Michael complained, " Kiss your crush!"
"No!" You whispered.
"Fine!" Michael huffed, "Who is your crush?"
"A...Ashton!" You said getting up and running out.
Ashton went after you. He came up to you and hugged you.

Today was the worst day of your life! You knew you should be happy for Y/B/F/N but you couldn't. Luke had been your crush for so long and now he was marrying your best friend. The boys knew that you had a crush on Luke and coaxed you into singing a song for him at the wedding reception.
You where so nervous when it came to the time of your performance. As you walked onto stage Ashton gave you a thumbs up from behind his drum kit.
"This is dedicated to the groom!" You whispered into the mike.
You started to sing 'Too late'. As you finished you looked at Luke's face that now had a frown on it. You ran outside nearly in tears. Soon after Luke came out and stood next to you.
"I'm sorry Y/N," he said.
"Don't worry about it," you whispered whipping a tear from your cheek, " I could always date Ashton or Michael!"
"You are not dating Michael but I think Ashton has eyes for you!" He said hugging you.

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