Your family disaprove of you going out

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"I said no and that is that!" Your mother screeched.

"But why? He doesn't have a bad background!" You told her.

"He is in a BAND!! Which means he has to of done something!! Maybe he's an alcoholic!! Plus he does his hair every two seconds!!" She shouted.

Michael was upstairs after having dinner with your parents. You knew he could hear everything you where saying.

"He is NOT an alcoholic!!! Who cares if he is in a band!?!? Uncle Jef is in a band!!" You screamed. You had just about had enough of this it happened nearly every day.

" Uncle Jef is a disgrace to this family!! And you will be too if you keep going out with that boy!!" She warned.

"Well I guess I shall have to join Uncle Jef then ,won't I, cause I'm not leaving Michael just to be liked in my own family!! You should like me no matter what I do in life!!" You screamed as the anger erupted inside of you.

You ran up the stairs to Michael and cried with him holding you.

"I am sorry I caused this much trouble!" He whispered, rocking you back and forth.

You looked up at him and said, "I would rather sell everything I own than break up with you!!"


"He'll break your heart Y/N!" Your dad said as Calum walked upstairs. You looked at him in shock. It was the first time your parents had met Calum. You thought that they liked him.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"He'll break your heart! You always choose boys that will break your heart!" He said calmly.

You stood up anger boiling inside of you.

"You cannot say that!! Calum is different! He treats me like a princess, unlike any of the others!! And I'll prove it!!" You screamed, "Cal come down a sec please!"

He came down immediately and rapped his arm around your waist.

"What's up babe?" he asked.

"Will you break my daughters heart in a few weeks time?" Your dad asked Cal.

"No of course not!! I would never do that to Y/N!!" Calum said with so much passion that your heart melted.

"Your lying!! Your going to break her heart!! Y/N you will break up with this boy immediately!!" Your dad screamed.

"I would never!" Calum tried to say but you interjected.

"I don't care whether you kick me out or ground me or anything, I am staying with Cal!!" You shouted starting to cry. All the while Calum held you close.


"You are horrid!!!" Your sister screamed at Ash, your boyfriend.

Ashton's face fell.

"How can you say that!! How can you say that you only care for my sisters body!!" she shouted.

"I....I didn't mean it!" Ash stuttered.

"Well of course you didn't!! Everybody doesn't do they!! You know your just the same as any other boy in a band!! Sick and twisted!!!"

You stood up your chair falling back.

"How dare you talk to Ash like that!! You know that boys in bands aren't bad at all!! It's only cause YOU had a bad boyfriend and your just jealous that mine is a nice ,sweet boy!! Ash was only joking about my body but YOU wouldn't understand because YOU don't care about fun and laughter!!!" You screamed.

You held Ashton's hand and walked out. He stopped you both at the door and hugged you tight as you cried on his shoulder.

"I love you!" He whispered," cause of your personality, although the body does give a little extra!"

You laughed and felt better.


"All my life I tried to be good enough for you!!! To not be shadowed by my brothers!! But now I have had enough!! I don't care if you don't like Luke!! But just tell me!! What's wrong with him?!" You shouted at your parents.

"Well to start of with he's in a band!! He has a lip ring!!! And he came to dinner in a tank top!!" Your dad screeched.

"He doesn't go out formally very often!! And so what if he's in a band, so what if he has a lip ring!? That's what makes him unique!!" You objected.

Luke meant everything to you and you where not going to let your parents stop that.

"He cannot be trusted!" Your mum simply stated.

"I trust him!! He trusts me!! We trust each other to support our relationship!! I am happy!! Can you not see that!?!?" You yelled at the top of your lungs.

At that moment Luke ran down the stairs and embraced you. He whispered in your ear, " I love you and that's all that matters!! Come on let's go!!"

He pulled away and you took one last look at your parents horrified faces, before leaving.

Hi guys!! This part took me forever to come up with and write!! Hope you like it!!


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