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Tom's POV:

we walked down stairs ready for breakfast. "are we gonna tell them" Holly whispered which made me laugh. I did not want this to be a secret. She meant the absolute world to me, i want to show her off. "yes of course" i replied which made her smile.

we sat down at the little breakfast bar in the kitchen. My whole family were already awake and sitting down; well apart from Sam who was making breakfast. I swear we just take advantage of the fact that our brothers a chef, he's always making the food. He never once complains to be fair tho, he loves cooking.

"goodmorning you two" my mum said starting the conversation. "good morning" Holly beamed back smiling happily. I loved how happy she looked, her smile was the most gorgeous thing ever. You can always tell when Holly's extremely happy versus when shes faking it, she has this little gap when she genuinely smiles and laughs; and right now that was there. I looked at her adoringly. As her smile grew wider.

"Tom you are such a fucking Simp" Harry said laughing.
"Harry" my mum said sternly.
"i know" i replied kissing Holly.
The whole room gasped to which Holly and i just laughed at.

"i don't know why you lot are acting surprised, we all saw that coming from a mile away" Sam said turning back around to his potato scones that were frying.
"Not really. i mean i knew that Tom liked Holly but i didn't realize Holly's standards were that low" Harry said making everyone; including Holly laugh and me pout.

"hey!" Holly said finally trying to defend me but also herself.
"i'm really happy for you guys. Yous are perfect for each other" my dad said looking up from his news paper.
"Thank you" Holly and i said in unison.
Suddenly we heard Paddy laughing which caused us all to look in his direction.
"what are you laughing at" Holly exclaimed making her way over to my little brother; picking him up and tickling him. I instantly smiled which didn't go unnoticed by anyone. I loved how great she got on with my family.

Paddy's giggles were still filling the room and everyone was extremely confused about it. "Grandma's gonna love this. She was right" he finnally said causing everyone to laugh in sync. Omg he was right. Mt grandma had been trying to push us together for years, and i mean YEARS. We always just laughed it off but now we knew that she was right all along. There had always been preserved feelings between the two of us, but neither of us wanted to do anything that could potentially put our friendship in danger. "that's true, god she's gonna be so annoying about this. She's never going to drop the fact that 'she had a part in this'" i said causing everyone to laugh even more.

"wait! so does that mean i can read that card now" i asked hopeful.
"hmmm.. we'll see" Holly replied to which i responded with an over exaggerated sigh.
"suppose it's better than nothing" i mumbled.


Haz was coming over in less than five minuets. I was really looking forward to telling him about Holly and i, i had been talking about how much i liked Holly basically since we were like 12. He always just told me to "make a move" because he knew she liked me too, but i never had the guts to. Until last night. Everything just fell into place. It was perfect, the timing, the place, and most importantly the girl.

I sat comfortably. Holly in my arms as we watched Dirty dancing, one of our favorite movies. "you're gorgeous" I said kissing her as she looked up at me. "you're so cute" she replied pouting, which was adorable. "just cute?" i asked laughing.
"did i not mention breath- takingly hot?" she said her eyes meeting mine as she looked up at me.
"i don't think you did mention that" i answered as she giggled.
I closed the gap between the two of us, our lips making them brush together gently.

"hey guyyyy-" i heard the sound of Haz' voice suddenly come to a halt as he stopped dead.
"AHHHH. OMg!" Haz shouted acting like a literal 12 year old girl.

"i mean, we were going to tell you in a well- less kissing way but i guess this works too" Holly laughed getting up from out cuddling position and going over to Haz wrapping him in a tight hug.
"thank you for the card. I loved it. it was really sweet of you" she said to him.
"you're welcome. Guessing you took my advice" Haz replied laughing.
"actually no. It kinda happened before i had even read the card" Holly laughed.

I was extremely confused but i didn't question it. This was just another card i was going to have to pester Holly to read. Before we knew it we were telling Haz about it. Whilst he was cheering us on.

"I'm really happy for you guys. I don't mind being the third wheel but i swear to god if yous kiss like that in front of me again. I am going to run" he said laughing. Of course Holly and i being the little annoyances that we are we deliberately did it. "Ah! OMFG! yous just don't listen do yous" Haz yelled as he left the room running down the stairs.

I pulled out of the kiss as the two of us ran down the stairs to see what the div Harrison was doing.
"Tell your son to stop being such a simp" Haz says as the rest of the family laugh loudly. Especially Harry who said that this morning.
"I knowww. Bro Holly what are you doing. Come on Tom?!" Harry says laughing.
Tom pouts sadly looking at me, waiting for me to defend him.
"Oh shut up Harry" I say as his mother whacked him across the head.

Suddenly Paddy started laughing the loudest which shocked everyone but was adorable. "What are you laughing at" Harry scolded at his youngest brother.

Paddy walked over towards Harry and whacked him across the head yelling "I like ya cut G" before running away laughing. Terrified of what his brother would do if he caught him.

The whole room erupted in laughter. Like the kind of laugh that you can feel in your heart and soul.

I wiped away the tears from my eyes that had formed due to the constant laughing. "Paddy?" I yelled waiting for a response. "Yeah?" He answered quickly.
"I love you, you're my new favourite Holland. That was amazing" I say clutching my stomach which feels like I have a six pack from laughing. Tom pouted. "Heyyy!" He said sadly "I'm supposed to be your favourite" he whispered.
"Omg Tommm. Do not start with this softnesssss" Haz whined. Not wanting Tom to completely leave him.

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