Just hear me out... that's not an order.

14 1 4

Ok, beautiful, not so beautiful, pretty, regular, mean, kind of bad, bad, and malicious people. My name is Monica Andrade, I live in Ecuador, am 13 years old, soon 14 (April, 28), I plan on being a proffesional writter, and maybe actress (only time will tell), am a visual person, and I never study but have good grades anyway. I am bad at socializing with people my age, forcing things. I love chocolate, romance (though I KNOW when it is getting all cliche), English, books, poetry, random facts, videogames and, this is the first time I've ever taken a look at wattpad. 

Oh! And I do not consider myself girly, my love for romance notwithstanding. Why? Because I always forget to brush my hair, have no sense of style, love fist-fighting with my older brother (and no, I don't go easy on him.), don't see the point on heels or dresses, kinda prefer talking to boys, and I already mentioned, I am a gamer. (I mostly go for RPG, strategy, console and story-based games. Also those where you can pick things up, personalize and sell everything left. I always end up being a millionare.)

DAO, DA2, DAI, ME1, ME2, ME3, GTA, The Walking Dead (both seasons) and more... I can't rememer them right now, my memory is like that.

I don't know if a presentation is normal custom here, but I'd bet not. I guess I just wanted to start somewhere, because I often get this big ideas I can't get out of my head and into paper fast enough, and the rest of the time, my creatvity is dry. So, I just go all random. You'll see me a lot on this category.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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