Chapter 1

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It was another cold day. Well I don't know what I was expecting on a winter morning in England. I'd been living in Brighton for my whole life but the weather still didn't appeal. "Hello everyone." I said into my vlogging camera, feeling slightly self concious as everyone in the shop stared at me. "It's another cold day and today I'm meeting up with some you tube friends. We are going to go shopping and then chill at my flat for a bit." I quickly bagged my camera and hid behind a large line of the most expensive tshirts I've ever seen as I spotted Chai strutting through the lines of clothes with his 'sorry about my hair' beanie swaying on his head! "Hi Chai" I said giving him a quick hug. "Hi Meg! How are you?" he replied. "Not too bad Zoe and Alfie should be here any minute and Joe and Caspar are coming a bit later!" I explained. I quickly got my phone out and staring texting Zoe:

'Where are you?'

'Nearly there. Where are you?'

'In Topshop with Chai!'

'Okay. Look behind you!'


'Look behind you!'


"BOOO!" I spun round quickly after screaming. "Zoe. You idiot"  I shouted. "Aha your reaction was priceless!" She exclaimed. She had her vlogging camera in one hand and Alfie's hand in the other. "And that..." She explained, talking into the camera now, "is how to scare your friend."

"Urgh. You are so annoying," I moaned screwing up my face into the most unattractive glare I have ever done. "You love me really." Zoe said, putting her camera away and hugging me. "I guess so." I groaned, embracing the hug grudgingly. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw someone I recognised. It was Joe. He looked amazing in his white tshirt and jeans. "Hi" he said, and my heart skipped a beat I dont know what it is about him but he blew me away.

Hi guys thanks for reading I hope you like it. I will try to update soon please leave a comment about what you want to happen next. Thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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