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All of a sudden, he wished he could touch things again. While Tommy snores softly in his arms, he feels nothing physically. He wants to take his fingers through the blond hair, feeling the rough strands. He wants to caress the younger's face, comforting his brother.

He could see.
He could hear.
He couldn't feel.

The next morning, as discussed, Ghostbur led Tommy to Technoblade's cottage. It was difficult, using Ghostbur's voice as a lead.

Tommy fussed about Dream, saying he was betraying Dream by leaving Logstedshire. But Ghostbur didn't argue, only saying that Technoblade and Philza could help.

Apparently Philza had been under house arrest, unbeknownst to Tommy, and escaped. He and Techno hid in a supposed retirement now, away from society.

"Look— or um, we're here! Tommy?"

"What does it look like, Ghostbur?" A sudden sadness dropped into his stomach as Tommy realised he would never really know.

"It is mainly spruce, with some cobble. More tall than wide. It, um... It looks like a medieval cottage!" Ghostbur knocked on the bottom doors, causing Tommy to flinch. A loud thud came from inside than some muffled arguing.

While Tommy's hearing had gotten better, especially considering it sucked after the bang, he still had a hard time with noise. Deciphering it, specifically.

Wood on hinges creaked, and a husky, monotone voice sighed.

"Hi, Ghostbur."

"Blade?" He wanted to say, but couldn't bring himself to talk.

"Hi, Techno! I brought Tommy!"


Philza, Tommy assumes, calls from the second floor.
"Who is it, Techno?"

"It's um... Ghostbur and Tommy."

"Tommy?!" A sudden hustle came from inside the cottage, with Philza staring out the doorway.

"Hi, Phil." He, again, wanted to say. But he couldn't speak. Say. Something.

"Tommy? Are you alright?"

His intestines swirled and he felt sick. He couldn't breath. Why couldn't he breath?

Someone tried to hold his hand, but it surprised him so he yanked away his arm, backing up into snow. The crunching filled his head. The voices filled his head. Won't everyone just shut up?

He thinks he hears his name. Just stop talking.

His eyes burned as salty tears poured out. Don't cry. You can't be weak in front of everyone.

Tommy choked, wishing to get out at least a word.

"Lea—" Was all he could muster, before his back hit a tree. Tommy yelped, turning to run, but hit something hard.

Philza screamed, pushing Ghostbur out of the way to reach the child.

"Tommy?" His kid lay bloody and unconscious in his arms. Not again. He can't lose another. "Tommy! Hey, wake up."

Technoblade rushed inside, sifting through potions. He picked up a couple of regeneration and instant healing, as well as some bandages. Philza snatched the bottles as soon as Techno got close, uncorking a regen and opening Tommy's mouth.


"C'mon, Tommy."

A highly fevered blonde shook his head aggressively, running further into the snowy backyard.

"You're going to get worse. You can't just keep playing."

"Why are you so serious?" Young Tommy whined, crossing his arms.

"This is a serious matter. You may die if you aren't careful." Philza picked up Tommy as soon as he reached him.

"I don't want to be serious."

"Just take your medicine, that's all I ask."

Snow started to drift from the overcast sky, and Tommy sneezed. The motion hurt his chest, and he winced.

"Then can I play?"

Dadza sighed. "As long as it's in the warm indoors and not out here."


He had to get his son out of the snow, which was difficult with how much Tommy had grown. But... considering this, the child was still relatively light. Skinny, if you will. They had waited a few minutes to see if the potion would do anything, and while the head bump settled down and the blood stopped flowing, Tommy was still bloody faced and out cold.

Technoblade lifted up Tommy from Phil's arms, carefully hoisting him over his shoulder. The two others followed Techno inside, as he climbed the ladder, honestly struggling on his own.

They reached the attic space where Tommy was set into Techno's bed. He turned softly into the touch of cotton sheets. He hasn't had a proper bed in months.

Ghostbur watched him stir, washing the blood off of his younger brother's face. Philza sat in a chair at the edge of the bed. Technoblade was downstairs, pretending not to care.

Tommy breathed softly, opening his eyes to a once more dark world.

This was the third time he'd awoken to an empty void. He should've expected it, but alas, it still surprised him. Tommy twisted out of the unfamiliar sheets, not recognising where he was. The sounds were still, with clanging downstairs and snow against glass. He even heard a fire crackling close by.

Wood creaked, and there were soft but heavy footsteps. Quite all of a sudden, he fell water rolling down his face, falling from above like it was raining. Someone held him, the scent familiar but foreign.

"Tommy..." Phil? "You scared the shit out of me."

Iris . Blindinnit AU [DSMP]Where stories live. Discover now