Hogwarts tour

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You had asked around the slytherin table for someone to give you a tour around Hogwarts. Draco offered to give you a tour but you, not so kindly, declined. Draco scoffed towards you before turning around to talk to Crabbe and Goyle. Tom thought you acting like this was really attractive, he knew right then and there that he wanted you, and only you. Tom tapped you on the shoulder and asked if he could guide you around Hogwarts. You smiled and accepted his offer. Tom stood up and held out his hand to you, you grab his hand happily and he pulls you up. He guides you out of the hall and down the corridor. There was a lot of small talk, mainly about family. While you two are walking you bumped into  professor mcgonagal. Tom kept walking since he needed to grab something from his dorm, leaving you to talk to mcgonagal by yourself.
M: Sorry dear y/n, but there is no more room left in the girls dormortry. There is still space in two of the boys dorms though.
Y: That's ok! Who's dorms are free?
M: Well there's one dorm with Draco Malfoy and one with Tom Riddle. There are a few other people in the same dorm as Dracos, but in Toms dorm it's just him.
Y: I haven't had the best relationship with Draco so far, but Tom has been a good friend to me. If he doesn't mind I'll share a dorm with Tom Riddle.
M: That's ok deary, you go check out his dorm.
You walk over to where you saw Tom walk to and tell him what had just happened.
T: Oh well uhm, here's my dorm, feel free to enter.
You walk into his dorm and are shocked at how much you loved it and how dark it was. You leave his dorm and walk out to Tom to continue the tour. Tom takes you out to the courtyard since that was a place you hadn't seen yet. Tom stands still for a moment to talk more about the courtyard. Your legs were getting tired at this point, well not just your legs, all of you of you was getting tired. You lean your head on Toms shoulder as a way to steady yourself. Tom tilts his head a bit to look at you, while still talking, and takes in how peaceful you look. He moves his head back and lays his head on top of yours. But there was something you didn't know. You were being followed. As you both turn to walk away, back to the dorms, you see a figure running away. You couldn't tell who it was, you could barely make out any features on the purson, but you did see that they had blonde hair. Tom grips your hand in his and practically drags you to your dorm. Once you get there you both sit down on the beds to talk more about Hogwarts. Tom kept making you laugh, there were some points where you could barely breathe from laughing. You had the feeling again, the feeling of being watched. Again you ignored it because you were in your dorm, there was no way someone could be watching you! After a good hour or two of laughing and talking with Tom he mentioned the forbidden forest. You were interested in what he was saying about it, so you kept asking more questions. Out of nowhere he says, "I know we're not supposed to go there but I could still show you, I mean you did pick a powerful wizard to go with." He ends that with a wink, making you laugh again. You agree to go out there, but before you did Tom taught you some important spells. Once he thinks you're ready, he pats your shoulder and gets up to open the door for you. You follow shortly behind him. Tom walks you down towards the forest and has his wand ready in his hand, incase anything happens. He grips your hand tighter as you enter the forest, making sure to keep an eye out for anything dangerous. You want to be able to focus on not getting killed but you just can't get rid of the thought that someone is watching you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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