Chapter 8

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A couple days later, King Charles releases Peter from the dungeons deeming him safe and on our side. His only restriction is he cannot use magic while he is in this kingdom, not under any circumstances. To break this rule would be his death.

We broke that restriction the night of his release.

I dropped by Gayle's house before Peter's release to leave a letter to Peter asking him to meet me in the woods behind Gayle's house the night of his release. I couldn't let this opportunity pass by. I needed to learn how to control at least some of this magic power before the necklace breaks or loses its power. Mother warned me in her letter that it would not last forever. I don't want what I did to that man to happen to anyone close to me. It haunts me every time I close my eyes. I can feel it growing in strength every time I take the necklace off. I don't want to be consumed by the magic.

The night is as dark as ebony when I leave the castle and enter the woods. I hug the black cloak around me tighter. The moon is but a sliver and casts little light on the path before me. I chose the same path that Mickey and I take every other day for weapon practice. Muscle memory leads me to Gayle's house.

A rustle in the bushes startles me but I push on, passing it off for a creature of the night. Soon I am standing on the edge of the trees, covered by the shadows behind Gayle's house. I knew that King Charles would not allow Peter to stay inside the castle but he would allow him to stay with someone from the town. And the only person he knows is Gayle. He may be free from the dungeon but not free from being watched carefully. We will have to be extremely careful in our outings.

I watch as Lambert exits the back door to gather firewood then return inside. No one else exits the house during the minutes I wait there. I start to wonder if he didn't get my letter or has decided I wasn't this person he thought I was and was going to ignore me now. The latter option hurt me more than a strangers presence should.

A sudden electric feeling flows through me and I turn to see Peter walking towards me. I nod to him and walk in silence past him farther into the cover of the trees. I have no clue what we will do tonight, whether it involves visual magic or not, but I don't want to risk the chance of our voices being heard.

When I feel that we are far enough away I stop and let Peter walk up to me. I pull my hood back some, it still covers my head but I can see him better.

"You want to learn more." Peter says, "But I can tell you are uncertain. That will not do. You have to have control over your magic, don't let it—or fear—control you."

"That is why I need your help."

"First off, we don't need to be so far away. We can conceal ourselves with magic. Although, it would not hurt if the first couple meetings were out here." Peter says as he starts to talk to himself. As he mutters to himself I look at him strangely. I have never met a man who talks and contemplates so much with himself.

Finally he turns his attention back to me. "I haven't taught beginner magic in quite some time but we'll give it a try." I remove my pendant and place it in a small bag and hand it to Peter. He explains to me that as long as I'm not wearing it, it shouldn't affect me but I don't want to have it on me as I learn. I don't want to have any of my power weakened as I learn. I need to understand the full extent of it.

The crescent moon crosses the glittering sky as Peter teaches me simple things like calling up my magic, making a small glowing light sphere in my hand, feeling the presence of other magic users.

I silently make my way back to my chambers in the castle before the crest of dawn. The emerald pendant is back on my neck and I can really feel the effects of its magic now. I feel as if a piece of me is being suppressed. Like it is boxed up right under the surface just out of reach.

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