But then one day Meth wants another child. What does he do? Asks Nate to have another child. Nate says "Ok fine." . Meth is very happy
After a few hours
Meth pukes. Nate runs to him asking "What is wrong?". Meth says, "I dont feel so well.." And then pukes again. Nate is confused a lot. So gets a pregnancy test at walmart incase. Meth is still puking. Nate tells Meth to take the pregnancy test he bought him. Meth takes the pregnancy test and looks closely to see 2 lines. He feels very happy and tells Nate in a happy voice, Nate is happy to. Meth tells him, "When will we surprise our families?. And our child Samantha." Nate replies with "I dont know. Maybe we should find a random date when we find out the gender? We cant just not tell them." Meth says "Yeah. Maybe i should schedule it later-" Meth then runs to the bathroom to puke . Nate is very upset about the puking and kicking in his stomach but at least he will be a Father to 2 children that can be born in a worser family. Meth sighs and goes to sleep, A bit hard though because of the baby kicking.
A few weeks after.
Meth goes to the hospital to see the gender. And well its a girl. Named princess tyler penishole by the choice of name from gender. A few days after that they do a gender reveal to Samantha and their Families. They are very happy about it.
9 months after the gender reveal.
Meths water broke so he screamed, "Nate my water broke take me to the hospital!!". Nate carries Meth and drives to the hospital very fast. Nate and Meth arrive to the hospital and Nate registers a room for Meth. The doctors take her to the room and once again Nate passes the halls. A doctor approaches him saying "Hello mister, Are you Meths husband?" Nate replies with, "Yes, Is Meth ok?" The doctor says, "Yes, Hes done pushing and is holding the baby right now." Nate then runs to Meths room and says "Hey, Baby. Are you okay?" Meth replies with "Yes, The doctor said i have to wait 3 weeks again to leave the hospital. Im gonna get some rest." Nate says "Okay, See you babe."
After 3 weeks.
Nate drives to the hospital to pick up Meth. Meth is happy to see him, And kisses him immediately. After a few months they live a great life. But who knows, Maybe there will be another part?
Meth x Nate.
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