3: Miss Muffet Tries To Impress My Ass Off. She fails.

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Aria's POV

As soon as I pulled that little trick on Apollo, Hermes accepted my coming to Olympus. I thought I would have to convince all the rest of the gods individually too, but Hermes waved it off, saying that they probably saw it because they have nothing else to be doing except stalking mortals.

Sure enough, when Hermes brought me up to Olympus, I was welcomed by grinning faces. Some were amused, others were smirking. All but one god was impressed by my devious prank.

Yep. You guessed it. Our favourite ray of sunshine.

He sulked in his throne with his arms crossed over his chest and his bottom lip out a bit in a little pout and eyebrows furrowed. He looked like even more of a child than I was. If anything, he actually looked kind of adorable.

Zeus was smiling at me. "Aria," he said, grinning. "I assume that you have realised that you have won your way to Olympus. Nice prank, by the way."

Apollo scoffed. "By the way, it was completely unnecessary. It was dumb and an even worse prank than when Hermes put pink dye in Ares' shampoo-"

"I KNEW IT WAS YOU, YA BASTARD!" Yelled a god that was covered in armour. He was gripping the armrests of his throne really tight and his face was turning red impressively fast as he fumed at Hermes. What was he? The god of anger issues? "Consider yourself dead, Hermes!"

Hermes gulped and threw a nasty glare in Apollo's direction before facing Ares once more, who was absolutely livid and the goddesses next to him were trying to keep him seated.

"Do you," he growled lowly, "have any idea how long it stayed? How HARD it was to get off, DIMWIT?!"

Before Hermes could say anything, I interrupted him.

"You remind me of Miss Muffet."

Eleven pairs of godly eyes turned to me. I kept my gaze on Ares, a silly smile on my seven year old face, oblivious to the muscle under his eye that just twitched dangerously.

"Excuse me?"

"You know, the nursery rhyme? Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away!"

"Yes, and? How do you see any sort of resemblance between me," he gestured to all his godly glory, "and that measley muffin girl?"

I shrugged. "You have a bit of porridge on your face. That means you had porridge for breakfast. Miss Muffet likes porridge too. And she gets all red really fast as well, because she was scared of the spider."

Apollo bursted out laughing, wiping fake tears from his eyes as Ares managed to turn even more red, except out of embarrassment more that anger this time. "Oh Kronos' underpants, she has my approval! This girl can stay if it means we get to call Ares a muffin!"

"No you cannot!" Ares snapped.

"We'll see about that my little Muffin."

Ares made a noise between a deadly dinosaur and a pissed off lion from the back of his throat.

I grinned. Life was gonna be fun on Olympus.


"NO! GO ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE WITH YOUR MAKE UP!" I shrieked as Aphrodite chased me around her temple, trying not to drop all her make up supplies and grab me at the same time.

Eight years. It had been eight years since I came to Olympus. Eight years of fooling around with these immature immortals. I was fifteen now, and I could gaurantee you that I was more mature than half of the gods here. By now, I had managed to get over the death of my parents. I had found a new home here on Olympus.

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