The stranger

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Team avatar were resting on an island after leaving the southern water tribe

Aang P.O.V

"I think we should stay here for the night  appa is getting tired" appa yawns right after I say that.

"that's a good idea, Zuko was trapped in that ice so there is no way that he can find us" katara says

"alright I'll start setting up camp" I start getting out our sleeping bags

Zuko P.O.V

"uncle we have to hurry and get this ice off, you there how much longer." I say to a soldier

"it should only be another minute sir, then we can be on our way" the soldier replies

"I will catch the avatar and restore my honor" I exclaim to my uncle

"prince Zuko, while we wait would you like some tea." I see uncle pour tea

*all the ice had thawed off*

"not now uncle, now we are going to catch the avatar"


Katara P.O.V

I woke up to explosions "what's happening" Sokka and aang are just as confused.

I see fire rain from the sky and see a ship in the distance

"It's Zuko" Sokka yells

"How did he get to us so fast?" Aang asks

We run away trying to avoid the fireballs. Aang airbends a few away here and there but there were too many of them. Then the most horrifying thing happens.

"We're cornered" Aang says worriedly

A fireball heads straight for us. We all duck bracing for impact. I see the fireball get closer and closer and right when it's about to hit me a boy with (h/c) hair jumps in the way. He kicks the fire away and looks at us. I see his (e/c) eyes shining in the dark as he talks to us

"Are you guys okay"

"Umm..ya I think" I answer him

"Okay good now let me go get rid of this problem" he says pointing to the ship

He jumps away using firebending and lands in front of the ship. The next thing shocks me, he earthbends to make a wall to block the fire then waterbends a humongous wave that sends the ship flying off towards the sea.

"That was AWESOME" Sokka yells out as he walks over to us.



I look at their shocked faces and ask "what happened you guys look like you just saw a man flick away a demon."(A/N guess what show that is from)

"Umm how did you bend multiple elements" the bald kid asks me

"That's a looong story kid" I reply

"Umm.. thanks for saving us I guess" the cute water tribe girl says to me.

"No problem, oh by the way my name is Y/N, what's yours." I ask them trying to be polite

"Uh I'm Sokka, this is my sister katara and this is aang" The ponytail boy says.

I then realize that the bald kid is an airbender

"Wait you're an airbender and that would mean that you are also the avatar" I say taking a knee.

"You don't need to do that since you kinda just saved our butts" Aang tells me and gestures me up.

"Oh ok" I get up and then they look at their stuff all burned and destroyed "If you guys want you can stay at my village since it's not to far from here"

"Really do are we still in the water tribe" Katara asks me

"No since none of the nations know that this island exists so we don't belong to any nation" I answer her question

I could tell they had more questions so I told them "I'll answer all of your questions on the way so come on" we left and headed off to my village.

A/N that was the first chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed. This is my first story so I would really appreciate it if you told me how I could improve.

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