why say no?

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the room went silent.. the karasuno team was shocked because of what hinata had said ,they definetly had thought that hinata liked kageyama, and the answer they thought that was gonna pop out of hinata's mouth was a YES but instead they got the opposite of what they were after.

hinata looked at kageyama  with a pitiful look, although he did not feel anything for the boy he did feel pity, he felt pity at the boy after all he never thought that this would come to this,hinata sighed and the whole karasuno team couldn't say a single word.

hinata:im sorry kageyama but i dont like you...

kageyama felt a stab on his chest ,after all he thought that the tangerine would accept is feeling too, kageyama then replied with..

kageyama:do you perhaps like someone else..?.. 

when hinata heard the sentence he went silent,but after heard what kageyama said he only had focus on one word,  like.., hinata then thought why was he affected of the word like do i like someone..? thought hinata

kageyama:so you do like someone..

hinata couldnt respond doesnt know why but the feeling he was experiencing right now felt like cheating on someone he loved , he didn't know what this is but he know that he liked someone else, he just didnt know who he likes.

daichi:i think we should all go home for know 

sugawara:i agree

daichi:tommorow we can practice again but hinata and kageymama should take a break for know

the whole karasuno then cleaned the floor after all it was still filled with confetti

sugawara :you should go ahead my child will finish the cleaning..

hinata could see that the whole karasuno was deflated ,he didnt want to break kageyamas heart but he just felt like that there was someone else in his heart,

hinata then went home felling down luckily his sister natsu was there to cheer him up

natsu:nee-chan are you a weakling🤨


natsu:then why are you so sad because you rejected someone😕

hinata:because his my friend

natsu:tsk,tsk nee-chan your sad because of that?!

hinata:of course his my bestfriend why wouldn't i be sad?

natsu:you shouldn't be sad because you did the right thing!

hinata:no i didnt i broke his heart

natsu:nee-chan you rejected him honestly if you had force yourself with a relation ship you didn't want wouldn't that make him more sad🤔

hinata:why are you so smart natsu

natsu:ahhahaha i know im smart if people saw us together they would think that your the younger sibling hahahahh

hinata:but that never happens🤣

hinata the laughed and natsu smiled knowing that she had finally cheered him up


                                                    to be continued

                                         thanks for reading\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

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