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Hinatas pov

I woke up wore my uniform for work,my sister was making lots of cookied when i got downstairs i then asked

Hinata:your cookies are getting so popular you know?

Natsu:ofcourse nee-chan im good at bussness

Said natsu with a smirk on her face

Hinata:then ill get going tell mom ill be coming home late

Natsu:ok nee-chan

I started walking to a shop, my new job was a waiter in this new shop it just opened so they were low on staff

??:you must be the new staff

Hinata:um yes

??:well then please step in

Karasuno's pov.

The teams were waiting for hinata everyday but then the coach announced something

Coach ukai:alright everybody listen up!


Coach ukai:well i got somebad news.. hinata droped out

Sugawara:he quited school?

Coach ukai:yes..

Kageyama: ...

(Kageyama you a small bean and i ship kagehina too but i like kenhina more im sorry kageyama😢)

Back to hinata

??:ill introduce you too the other workers

Hinata:alright, but whats your name

??:oh im aim kozume

(So if you dont know let me explain she's kenma's cousin but there the opissites, aim likes outside activity like soccer and etc. She talks a lot and always on mood swings)

Hinata: oh so your kenma's sister?

Aim:nope! Im kenma's cousin

Hinata:oh then nice to meet you

Aim:nice to meet you too but i should probably introduce the worker's

????:SO LIKE i was saying ehem! If y/n is the first president till now how can she still be alive?!

?:maybe president y/n is from another universe?

????: ...


?????: ...


?????:dumb as hell!

????:but like president y/n still looks so young 

Aim: dont mind them😅 ehem!


To be continued

A/n: good news after begging and crying to my sister for days she finally let me use her gadget while mine is broken😰 so thank you sister!😊

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