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Lunchtime has ended and the pair are heading to their next class. Unfortunately, this is the only class the two share together, so they like to make the most of it. As they walk, Beomgyu makes sure all the tea he gathered from Yeonjun is correct. 

"So his name is Huening Kai"


"He was born in Honolulu"


"He's our age"


"And he's been in our class this whole time?!"


"And I didn't notice you simping over him?!"

"It's not my fault you like this class so much!"

This was true. Everybody in the class knew that this was Beomgyu's favorite class. He always raised his hand and made sure to finish all his homework on time. He wasn't the only one though. Everybody liked this teacher. Although he was old, he was funny and always knew what to say. His homework wasn't too hard and his lessons always made sense. If Beomgyu liked the class, everybody liked the class.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and huffed. 

"Whatever, at least I'll finally see him without having to look through a window," Beomgyu states.

"Yeah, I hope he doesn't recognize you..." Yeonjun trails off but Beomgyu still hears. 

Beomgyu gulps and thinks about the cute boy. He can't believe that Yeonjun noticed him but he hadn't. He shakes to remove his thoughts of the boy as they reach the classroom door. Kai is Yeonjun's crush. Not his.

The pair walks inside the classroom and heads towards their assigned seats. Yeonjun sits near the middle of the classroom, close to his crush. Beomgyu, however, sits in the back, which doesn't exactly help the bad boy label the school has given him. 

As he waits for class to start, Beomgyu decides to scroll through Usverse for a while. He enjoys looking through all the nice posts from his fellow Typos. He finds himself scrolling until he comes across some bald T3XT posts. He cringes at first, but then saves the pictures and turns off his phone. 

A few moments later, the teacher walks in and quiets down the class. The class quickly takes a seat and pulls out the homework. While the teacher is checking homework, Beomgyu decides to observe this "Huening Kai" Yeonjun is so obsessed with. Sure, he'll admit he looks good, but he doesn't know anything about his personality. For all he knows, Kai might actually be worse than he was. 

Beomgyu looks around to see what the dark-haired boy is doing. He sees the boy hand his homework to the teacher with a smile then pulls out a notebook, which he assumes is for the class. Beomgyu continues to watch the boy until Kai turns around in his seat. Panicking, Beomgyu reaches for his homework and holds it in front of his face. His face flushes red as he realizes Kai might have caught him snooping for the second day in a row. He curses to himself quietly. Beomgyu groans and hits his head on his desk. 

"You okay there?" a voice speaks suddenly.

Beomgyu's head bolts up at the sound and he shakes his head fiercely. 

"I'm okay Mr. Lee! I just- well you see-I uh-" Beomgyu stammers as he tries to think of an excuse.

"It's alright Beomgyu. I'm just asking," the teacher interrupts softly.

Beomgyu nods and hands Mr. Lee the assignment. He looks up after the teacher leaves and notices Yeonjun laughing at him. he shoots him a glare and gets ready for the class.

"So, why do you like Kai?" Beomgyu asks.

The pair are walking home together after school. Beomgyu, not wanting to embarrass himself, canceled his plan to observe Kai and decided to just ask Yeonjun.

"Well, when I first noticed him, he was helping out a kid who had dropped his books on the floor. I noticed how nice he was to the kid. Then a few days later, I saw him helping the librarian sort books. I really love how nice he is, and he is so cute too!" Yeonjun explains.

Beomgyu nods. It makes sense. Everybody loves the good boys. All the bad boys are good for is getting detention. Beomgyu frowns at the thought and looks down. Yeonjun seems to notice the change in mood and speaks up.

"Are you okay Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asks.

"Yeah, just thinking about last year," Beomgyu mumbles.

"Oh please," Yeonjun scoffs, "Just forget about it. I'm sure everybody else will," Yeonjun states.

"Yeah, yeah," Beomgyu nods.

In all honesty, it's hard to forget about what happened because of all the reminders he gets. The stares... the whispers... Yeonjun has been the only person to support him through it. He just hopes that the people around him will forget.

I'm LaTe

I hope this chapter didn't suck too much lol

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