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It's been two days and Y/n has yet to come up with a hip hop routine

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It's been two days and Y/n has yet to come up with a hip hop routine. She was desperate. She asked Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jin, and even Taehyung. And they all turned her down.

"If I help you, how will I be surprised?" Taehyung told her.

It's finally lunch and her last chance was Jungkook. There sitting by himself in the corner of the cafeteria, was Jungkook.

She made her way to him and sat across from him.

He looks up at her with that same old blank expression. He's very intimidating with that stare.

She swallows the lump that formed in her throat and spoke,

"Can you please help me?"

She asks desperately looking at the Korean boy.

He raises an eyebrow.

"With what?"

He asks setting down his chopsticks giving her his full attention.

Her hands become sweaty. She didn't think he'll ask. She clears her throat and said,

"My winter guard routine."

He doesn't say a word. He just looks at her. She sighs and stands up. That's a no.

"I'll do it."

She stops in her tracks and looks at him.

"But we'll practice at the abandoned building Taehyung brought you to a few days ago. Be there around 8p.m. tonight. We'll start there."

He says picking up his chopsticks, giving her nothing else.

She nods and gives him a bow. She walks out of the cafeteria with a smile on her face.


Y/n pulls up to the abandoned building. She grabs her bag. She left her rifle and flag at home. She walks to the big door and knocked.

Nobody opened the little sliding door. She pushes and it opens.


She walks in and closes the door behind her. She walks further and hears the music. She turns the corner and there was Jungkook and his dance group. She looks at her watch and she's 5 minutes early.

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