This story takes place in the future where Karma decides to contact to his old high school rival, Asano Gakushuu.
𑁍 This is my 2nd Karushuu fanfic so I'll try making it better than the last one. This one is gonna be more flu...
Finally another chapter :D _____________________________
Friday 1.7.2016 5:47 am
Karma's POV *yawnn* hm? ah right, I have work today. I got on my feet and turned Herbert off. (yes he still has him) Geez, why does the world have to run on money? Can we not just barter? Eh, whatever. I took a quick shower and changed into a somewhat decent outfit What he was wearing:
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I checked my wrist watch, still half an hour left before I have to go... hmmm, what to do...
Chatting with: Second Place-Kun 🥈
You: ✨sup homie✨
Second Place-Kun 🥈: Not now. I'm in a meeting.
You: Awwh~~ you're no fun Asano 😣
Second Place-Kun 🥈: Does it look like I care?
You: Ofc you do UwU
Second Place-Kun 🥈 : Oh shush you monkey, I need to get going now.
Hmph! Asano is such a meanie~ Well now I'm bored, I guess I should just go to work early, "Bye Herbert!" I slid on my shoes and grabbed my briefcase, waving goodbye to Herbert before walking out the door.
Word count: 158 I finally wrote another chapter :D