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They arrived to Yoongi's house

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They arrived to Yoongi's house. Cars were pulling up along with them. Football players were wearing their jerseys with some blue jeans, cheerleaders were wearing their track pants and jackets, and other students were wearing the clothes they wore to the game.

Taehyung and Y/n get out of her car. Y/n shivers at the cold winter breeze. Y/n meets up with Taehyung in front of her car.

He wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer to him. Y/n is on her phone as they made their way to the house.

"Hey look. Kookie is here."

Taehyung says pointing to the Korean boy.

Y/n's head pops up and sure enough he was here. The teenage boy was now wearing a black hoodie covering up his dark hair.

She looks up at her best friend, "I didn't know he went to parties." She says putting her phone away.

Taehyung chuckles, "He doesn't. Jin and Namjoon dragged him here. Saying that he needs to relax and have fun."

Y/n nods in understanding.

They make it inside. A lot of people greeted her and Taehyung as they walk further inside. Y/n didn't party. She didn't like it. She was just so socially awkward when it came to large gatherings.

Taehyung knew how she felt about parties. But he wanted her to enjoy life. He noticed how stress she's been with this winter guard routine. He saw the bags. He saw her losing focus in class. He saw it all. He wanted her to get loose and have some fun.

He's debating on talking with Jungkook about canceling their practice tomorrow so they can both enjoy tonight and not worry about anything.

Y/n told Taehyung about her and Jungkook's little argument. Taehyung understood both of them. But when that argument happened, Taehyung saw something change in Jungkook. Taehyung saw the way Jungkook would look at Y/n in the halls.

Like Jungkook needed Y/n or something. Deep down, Taehyung thinks Jungkook likes the young girl. But he knows Jungkook won't admit to it.

Jungkook was with Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin. He was sipping his water when he spots Y/n with Taehyung. Taehyung leaves Y/n's side to go to the restroom. By herself, Y/n sips on her Coke.

Jungkook's body becomes stiff when one of the football players approach Y/n. Y/n looked uncomfortable but she kept that pretty smile of hers on her face. The guy touches her arm and she casually steps away from him.

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