Reality is better than dream

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Amidst the mist, above the mountains, a serene and beautiful place, known as cloud recess.

The usually calm place was filled with murmurs and people walking around at a fast pace decorating the white walls with colorful Gentian flowers.

A little child around 4-5 years was holding the hand of his older brother by three years, was standing in front of a cottage, waiting for the door to open.

They were dressed in white Hangfu with a ribbon imprinted with a cloud sign on their forehead. Swords dangling on the side of their waist.

The little one had a bamboo sword as he was still too young to possess the real thing. He was looking at the door with impatience yet he didn't move, still waiting for the door to be opened.

Then the door opened, revealing a woman dressed in equally white.

Placing her eyes on the children her lips quirked up into a blooming smile.

The little one lets go of his brother's hand and trudges with his small legs to his mother's arm, "Mama!"

The woman knelt down to meet his height and spread her arms to welcome her child into a warm hug.

"A'Zhan" she lulls, kissing on his forehead, "Happy birthday my baby"

Yes. It was Lan Wangji's 5th birthday.
Generally, the children would be allowed to meet their mother only once a month and only in the secluded house but today was made an exception. She was allowed to go out to celebrate her child's birthday.

The older child also walked to his mother to greet her with a hug.

"A'Huan, how are you?" She asked placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm well mother", he smiled.

They continued to talk. Asking each other about many things.

Two men standing a bit far away were watching over the parent-child interaction. Their heart warming up to the core.

Qiren spoke, "Brother, I'm glad you decided to come out. It's so rare to see Wangji so happy"

Qingheng-jun replied with a faint smile, "Mn...I'm glad too."

"You should forgive yourself and your wife already. You guys deserve a second chance. And the children- they deserve to be happy too. And for that to happen they need both of their parents around." Qiren said looking at his brother with a slight hope.

The section leader has grown thinner within the years of being in the seclusion, appearing frailer. With fine lines and crow's feet around the eyes, he looked much older than his actual age.

"You know I can't", he said solemnly with a look of longing.

Qiren sighed and averted his gaze to the children and their mother once again.


Lan Zhan was happy today- would be an understatement. He was beyond happy. If it was possible he would be floating on cloud nine by now.

He was not really interested in his birthday as a child should be, but he would not complain. After all, because of it, his mother & father was with him.

Today he woke up extra early not being able to contain his excitement.
He dressed himself up and waited for his brother to come and take him to his mother.

After a while his brother came to his room, wishing him a happy birthday. Though Lan Zhan would not show the happiness and excitement on his face, his brother knew him well to decipher all of his tiny expressions like- him being fidgety under the cover of his long dress, eyes opening a bit wider than usual filled with excitement and the last but not the least- the tiny uplift on the corner of his lips.

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