chapter 11

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y/n's pov

i woke up and my head was pounding, and i tried to get up to get ibuprofen but failed miserably. i rolled over to see it was 12:39 pm 'wow i slept late...and hangover suck' i stayed in bed staring at the ceiling and started remembering the events of last night. i remembered z making out with someone, tom singing...special lyrics to me, tom grinding on me, making out with tom, and kissing z- 'huh weird'

i decided to get up and see if anyone was awake. i got up, ignoring my pounding headache and getting some ibuprofen, then brushed my teeth and hair, changed into some sweats and an oversized hoodie, then finally threw my hair into a messy bun. i grabbed my phone and walked out of my room, and headed to z's room. i knocked on her door and waited for her to open it, she finally opened it after i knocked for the 3rd time.

"what" she groaned

"well good afternoon to you too" i giggled

"it's too early for this" she said walking back to bed

"its 1:20" i stated catching the door and walking in

"do you remember what happened last night" she groaned jumping on her bed

"little bits but the rest is a blur" i said laying on top of her

"what do you remember" she questioned

"um i remember you making out with someone-" i started

"'wait what" she asked

"yea" i answered

"was he hot" she asked

"yup" i said laying my head further in her chest

"go me" she mumbled, causing me to burst out laughing

"ok continue" she said running her fingers through my hair

"then tom singing er some lyrics to me-" i tried to continue but was once again interrupted

"what lyrics" she asked

"questions after please" i sighed

"yes ma'am" she giggled

"-then tom grinding on me-" i said

"wha-" she started

"im not done" i said to her causing her to keep quiet

"-um then making out with tom and kissing you" i looked up at her

"you done" she asked

"yuh" i said laying my head back down

"alright its my time to shine" she smiled

"go ahead" i said with a small smile

"ok first, what where the lyrics" she asked 'damn it'

"uh it was 'the take' by tony lanez" i blushed

"oh damn" z said

"next question" i said trying to get this over with

"ok now how the fuck did you end up in a situiton where tom was grinding on you" z laughed

"you want details don't you" i sighed

"yup" she said popping the 'p'

"fine, well after you left us we started laughing and dancing, then that song started to play and tom looked at me and sang them to me, um then he grabbed my hips and turned me around so my back was on his chest, and he bent me down and then i moved around on him ya know" i said quickly

"i- uh go you" z said it although it sound more like a question

"stop" i whined hiding me face in her chest

"ok i'm done, no more questions" she smiled

"thank god, now wanna go wake tom up with me" i asked

"uh yes absolutely, why would i pass up the chance to make fun of tom" z asked smiling

"good point, lets go" i said dragging her up

"wait let me get ready" she said

"hurry up" i said, throwing myself back on the bed. as z was getting ready i went on my phone until she was finally done

"let's go" she said, dragging me to tom's room. when we got their, z knocked and waited, then the door opened and we were greeted with a sleepy looking tom

"wassup spidey boy" i smiled

"mmmm" tom said letting us in

"you good" z asked, as me and her sat on the couch

"no" tom said throwing himself on me

"your head" i questioned running my fingering through his curly hair

"uh huh" he sighed at the feeling of me playing with his hair

"i'll be back" i said trying to get up, but tom grunted wrapping his arms around me waist pulling me back down

"have z get it" he mumbled, burying himself in my neck, causing z to laugh

"alright i'll be back love birds" z smirked walking out

"shut up" me and tom said together

"do you remember what happened last night" i asked tom, continuing to mess with his hair

"little bit" he stated

"here you go" z said handing him the meds

"thanks" he said before taking them

"what do you remember" i asked

"oh uh me and you" tom blushed

"aww is little tommy shy" z cooed before laughing

"oh she knows by the way" i said blushing a little as well

"of course she does" tom sighed

"so tom" she smirked, earning a glare from me

"i heard you sang some, how do i put this, special lyrics to y/n here and did some...dancing and smooching with her" z smirked

"alright shut up, we were drunk" i gushed

"uh huh, anyways" z said laughing

"so we have to go on set tomorrow" i said groaning

"what's wrong with that" tom asked

"we have to get up early" i complained

"sucks to be you guys" z said turning on the tv

"what are you doing" tom asked

"finding a movie" z answered

"i'll be back" i said getting up, earning a grunt from tom

"anyone want some water and chips" i asked

"yes" they both said, i went into the kitchen and grabbed some chips and bottled waters before going back out, to see z laying sprawled out on one couch and tom sitting on the other

"z" i said causing her to look back

"here" i finished throwing the water and chips at her, which she caught

"here ya go" i said sitting next to tom, burying myself in his side and handing him the snacks

"thanks y/n/n" tom said throwing an arm around me

"so what are we watching" i asked z

"ava" she said

3rd person pov

the rest of the day was pretty chill for the 3. it consisted of y/n going back and forth, cuddling with z and tom, and of course watching movies. they ordered taco bell and watched more movies before they eventually fell asleep on the couch.


chapter 11 complete :)

sorry this really sucked, i'm really distracted and stressed atm

well that's really it, hope you enjoyed

-author <3

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