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Y/n ended up staying the entire weekend at Jungkook's

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Y/n ended up staying the entire weekend at Jungkook's. His fever got worse but Jungkook finally broke out of it. Y/n left late Sunday night to make sure his fever didn't come back.

Jungkook could barely remember the weekend. All he remembers is just seeing Y/n's face. Was she really there or was she just a hallucination to his fever? But once he came to his senses when his fever broke she was actually there.

It's Monday and it's lunch time. As always, Jungkook sits by himself in the cafeteria. He takes out the sandwich that he made and started to eat as he read a book.

"Did you see Y/n today?" A girl says to her friends.

Jungkook's ears twitched at the mentioned of Y/n's name. As he pretends that he's reading he listens in onto the conversation.

"Yeah. Is it just me or does she get bigger everyday?" A blonde head girl says. Laughter erupts within the small group.

Jungkook couldn't believe what he just heard. Y/n is the sweetest person he has ever met. She works hard for anything she puts her mind to. She didn't deserve to be talked about because of her weight. Who cares? It only matters what's on the inside.

The group of girls continue to talk down on Y/n. Jungkook couldn't handle it anymore. He slams his hands on the table and sent daggers to the teenage girls.

The cafeteria falls silent as all eyes were on him. He didn't care. He stands and placed both of his palms on the table top as he leans against his hands.

"Does talking bad about somebody satisfy you? If it does, then you're sick people. If I ever catch you talking bad about Y/n again, I promise you. I'll make your life a living hell." He spoke coldly to the girls.

The girls look at him with fear in their eyes. He rolls his eyes and grabbed his bag and walked out of the cafeteria. He was so pissed off that his whole body was shaking.

He walks into the boys restroom and splashed some cold water onto his face. He had to calm down before he did something stupid. He's never really defended anybody before. He shocked himself when he spoke up to those girls about Y/n.

He shook his head. He didn't want to admit it but he had no choice at this point. He likes Y/n but she doesn't like him and there was nothing he could do about it.


Y/n and Jungkook practice for a couple of hours. Since both parties are tired due to the crazy weekend they had, Jungkook made the practice short.

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