[8] "The Bar in Hell"

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They say ignorance is bliss.

The ignorance of a man, however,
does not epitomise obliviousness or innocence;

It epitomises stupidity.

Here we go again.

How dare I think for even a second
that I could ever be more than just a body to a man?

I try to converse and discuss the things that are wrong with this world
and ironically enough,
the man with whom I am conversing ends up being one of said things,
for his interest seems not to be in anything other than whether I send nudes.

It appears that every time things are going remotely well with a member of the opposite sex,
I have to utter a quick prayer in hopes that maybe,
just this once,
he isn't the kind of guy who uses women for sexual fulfilment
or the kind of guy who only wants to know what colour the bra beneath my clothes is,
and instead wants to know me,
full stop.

The bar must be in Hell.

Finding a guy who meets this criterion is so uncommon
that I must cross my fingers,
that women must cross their fingers,
and hope he does.

The bar must be in Hell.

Now, I have to tread lightly,
and not voice my thoughts
because for some bizarre reason,
I fear upsetting or losing him.

But I forget that I am upsetting and losing the most important person of all in the process:


I tremble at the idea of the guilt I will feel if I refuse to accept;
guilt I do not deserve to feel to begin with
because I have every right to say no!

The bar must be in Hell.

And if a girl does happen to give in
and an image of her beautiful body
is viewed by one pair of eyes,
more often than not,
it will be viewed by a second pair,
and maybe even a third,
then she is called the unkindest names in the world
and spoken about as if she is of no value.

And behind the scenes,
the man behind it all gets away
with a pat on the back and talks of praise.

Women deserve better.

The most intimate parts of our bodies,
our most sensual features,
are simply viewed as objects of male desires.

That is why the day we encounter a man who does not see women this way,
our unfamiliarity to the situation
makes us swoon.

Over something that was meant to be
the bare minimum all along.

The bar is definitely in Hell.


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