Chapter Sixteen

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Liam Payne

There were eyes left and right just focused on me and solely me. I shifted in my seat, my head ducked into the book we were supposed to be taking notes inside of. Then came the whispers and the pointing and I swallowed, my throat feeling dry and anxiety bubbling up within me. I felt claustrophobic, there eyes pinning me down in my seat and making me feel overwhelmed with the attention.

My breathing became labored and that's when I felt that suffocation beginning to overtake me. I panicked, I'd have an anxiety attack and become the laughing stock. It wasn't like that wasn't already happening at the moment, they had these judgmental looks written across their faces. It wasn't on everyone's faces but they'd look behind at me and it was as if they were poking at me.

This was growing too much for me and I began breathing it audible pants and gasps, my leg began to twitch, my heartbeat accelerating as I shut my eyes and tried to remember my breathing exercises but it was as if they flew from my memory.

A growl ripped through the room, jerking me to halt in my beginning panic stages. I wasn't completely calmed down but I was able to recall how to breath and I allowed my eyes to flutter open. The eyes who once stared at me were turned back to the front of the classroom. I look to my left to see Harry, who had this class with me, with his hands clenched.

He wore a poker face and allowed his hands to unclench before he turned to look at me.

"Go home after this period," he told me.

My eyes widened but he looked like he wasn't in the mood conversation so I quietly and very much hesitantly nodded slowly. He turned back around and laid his head on the desk but he seemed completely and utterly bothered. I wanted so desperately to ask him why I was to go home, I also wondered about the growls he and Zayn always emitted but that was a conversation for another day.

The period dragged on with this tension in the room that I assumed Harry had created with that growl but there eyes never turned back to look at me. I was truly grateful but that last for only a few precious moments as the bell rang and I packed up my stuff. I began walking out of class when Harry appeared at my back.

He placed a gentle hand on my back and was leading me towards the front entrance of the school. I stumbled in my steps before I became frustrated and stopped walking to turn to him.

"Why d-do I have to g-go home?" I ask quietly.

"You just do," he said with a lack of patience.

He tried to grab my wrist but I quickly avoided his hand and took a step back.

"C-can I atleast get my stuff f-from my locker?" I plead.

If he wasn't going to answer of my questions I had to at least get my notebooks and textbooks in order to do my homework while I left early from school. I wasn't even sure it was allowed for us to just leave school without reason but it didn't seem like Harry cared considering he used to be absent for most of the time. I cared very much about my attendance but I was afraid to argue with him and something inside me believed there was a scary reason as to why he wanted me to go home

"Fine," he agreed with an exasperated sigh.

We began walking towards my locker, along the way I received stares and people would stop in the strides to get to class just to peer at me. Harry appeared behind me once again and pushed my back gently to go faster. I turned around and that's when I caught Harry glaring daggers at those who looked at me causing them to immediately avoid eye contact and look away. He noticed me looking at him and reached up to turn my head to face forward.

We get to my locker and I began to punch in my four digit code unlocking it. I pull it open and gasp as multiple papers fly out and drop at my feet. My eyes take in the numerous papers on the floor and my eyes squint as I bend to pick up one of the papers.

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