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They were cruel. They gave no mercy to their prey or anyone who stood up to them. They only cared about their little group and no one else. They didn't take shit from anybody, because they would destroy them. Those three were at the top of the food chain. No one dared to approach them unless they were forced to, or they had a confession.

First there was Nick, or Sapnap. He hated when people called him Nick, and would kick your teeth in if he found out you were calling him by his real name behind his back. He was the flirt of the group, always getting laid or picking up girls to bring back to his dorm. He flirted with the girls and demolished the boys. He was quite literally a "Mr. steal yo girl" type. His looks and charisma could pull any girl to their knees, even some boys if he was feeling curious.

Then there was George. He might seem friendly and talkative to folks, but you get too close and he'll sock you. He's well known for having lots of connections to people of all kind, good or bad. You get on his bad side and you'll go missing by the end of the week. He knew everyone, and by default he knew everything. They'd kill to be friends with the Dream team, so they go to George first. He's the only one that would talk to anyone other than the people within their group, but those people were idiots in George's mind. He only uses them to get information about people, and it works every time. He was the brains of the group, always knowing everything about everyone.

Last but not least was Clay, or Dream. He got his nickname from the girls in the school, because he was so dreamy looking, like he wasn't from this world. It's a nickname his fan girls mostly use, but other people have been picking it up as well. His voice, his looks, his charisma, his brains; he had it all. He was the most popular one of the entire group, but he was the coldest. His father was the owner of a huge company called Microsoft, so he was powerful. No one dared to cross his path. He's silent for most of the time except for when he's with George and Sapnap, then it's like he's a whole separate person. It was one of the most bizarre things that went on in this school, and it was rare to catch a glimpse of it. He barely went to any of his classes, but somehow still made all A's. He was the silent bad boy type, and the girls ate it up. The girls wanted to be with him and the boys wanted to be him.

Together all three of them were the most powerful group this elite college has ever seen. They were the big sharks in the ocean full of minnows, and they loved it. The spell they had over everyone is what made them powerful. Except for one person. Who is that person, you may ask?

That person is you.


It was the start of a new semester, which brought more work for every class. Not to mention it was horribly cold, and it didn't help that most of the heaters weren't working. Students suffered all around, and that included you.

Actually, you were currently on your way to class; you woke up late because your phone died overnight, and you didn't dare to leave your covers for at least 30 minutes because of how cold it was. You luckily had a brilliant roommate who had made the smart purchase of a portable heater for the winter in case something like this happened. You scolded her the first day she brought it home, saying "A prestigious school like this would never go through a power outage!" But now you were glad she had bought it. Now you just wished you could've brought it with you.

You opened the door to the huge classroom, and the professor gave you a side glance before continuing his lecture. You bowed your head in apologies before looking around the room. Your normal seat was taken by another student, and you sighed. You looked up to see a man with jet black hair all the way up in the back sleeping in his chair.

No one dared to sit by this man because he told them not to. It was a universal rule that everyone knew and abided by; even the teachers knew not to disturb him during class.

But you? You didn't care. Your morning was rough as it was and you simply didn't want to abide by a silly rule that wouldn't get you in any trouble in the first place. So, to prove a point, you sat in the chair directly next to the sleeping man, which caused the entire class to look at you with wide, fearful eyes. Even the teacher stopped talking.

You knew about the three infamous seniors that basically ran this place; you were in a class with two of them, and a club with the other. But you weren't intimidated, or swayed by them. They didn't affect or bother you at all. Though the loud screams of their fan girls did tend to get quite annoying.

Class continued on and you took notes, soaking in every word your professor told you. As your face was deep in your notebook writing your notes, you heard shuffling and then a groan. You looked to the side and saw that the big man himself had awoken, and was rubbing his eye while yawning. Any other girl would've thought this gesture as cute or adorable, but not you. It just made you tired too, and you had to fight the urge to yawn.

"Hm..?" he noticed you, and the two of you just stared at each other for a couple of seconds, then he frowned and glared at you.

"Get away from me,"

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